procurement/supply management.

Travel Postcards
September 28, 2020
Developing an Evaluation plan
September 28, 2020

procurement/supply management.

procurement/supply management.

Paper details

Individual Project Assignment: Write a 5-8 page (exclusive of cover page and reference pages) single-spaced paper on one or more aspects of procurement/supply

management for any one of the following three companies: Dell Computer, General Motors, or Wal-Mart. The exact focus of the project is up to you, but it must be on one

or more topics that we cover in ASCM 626. You must focus on supply and procurement strategies (inputs from suppliers) rather than on distribution (outputs to external

consumers); this is not a Marketing course. Each of the three companies is covered in our Monczka text, so this should give you ideas to get started. You should not

simply re-phrase and repeat what is already covered in our text. That will not earn a passing grade. You need to research and incorporate additional sources into your

discussion to add value and analysis beyond what our text provides. If you list a source in your ending list of references, be sure to properly cite within your

content where you use it.

Your project should include comparative analysis, i.e., how the company conducts procurement/supply management differently than one or more competitors (for example,

GM vs. Toyota). It should also analyze (i) what procurement/supply challenges the company has faced in the past, (ii) what have they done to overcome those challenges,

and (iii) what must the company consider when moving ahead in the 21st century business environment. You are responsible for organizing and segmenting your paper so

it’s clear you are covering these issues. For a graduate-level paper, I need to see graduate-level effort.

Use a modified APA format: 12-point font, one-inch margins, but single-spacing instead of double-spacing. Include only the references in your list that you actually

cite in your main text