What God Has Joined
March 28, 2020
Differentiate Performance Management with the Performance Appraisal and global management processes Custom Essay
March 28, 2020

process improvement

the Statistical Process Control for the process identified in Week One.

Write a paper (800-1000 words) in which you explain the control limits, including the calculations and data used to determine them.

Discuss the effect of any seasonal factors using the process performance data collected each week.

This is the paper i did for week 1
Design a Flowchart for a Process

The daily process that I would like to do more efficiently and spend less time doing is my morning routine. I have chosen this process because it would allow me to examine the process I use every day to get ready for my day and hopefully find ways to reduce the time it takes me to complete my daily routine. The result would be a more organized daily routine, which would allow me to have a more structured process that will lead to a more productive less stressful day.
To assist me in my journey for a more efficient daily routine I have chosen to use a flowchart to document my daily routine process. A flowchart is a “graphical representation of a process, such as a manufacturing operation” (flowchart, 2010). Individual movements, decisions, and tasks can be documented in chronological order. To form a flowchart on most consider several questions such as; “What is or must be done, What would happen if it were not done, Where is the task done, When is the task done, and is it critical that it be done then or is there flexibility in time and sequence” (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006).
Factors Affecting the Process Design
Factors influencing the process design; is largely the decision’s that must be made during the routine and the period in which they must be made. The major decisions to be made during my morning routine, is do I get up when my alarm clock goes off or do I hit the snooze button. After I get out of bed do I exercise or go straight to the shower, after I shower and get dressed do I eat breakfast or skip breakfast and leave? All the decisions affect the timeline of the morning process routine so do the time in which I have to complete the tasks, for example during the week when I have to get to work at a specific time I have to consider this during my decision making process. On weekends usually I can make those decisions at a more leisurely pace. I must consider what I need to do each morning and in what amount of time I have to complete these tasks then adjust my process from that point.
Measuring the Process
To asses my daily routine and improve the routine I must use a non-financial metric to determine the amount of time spent on tasks. I will use time as a key performance indicator (KPI), which is “a set of measures that aids in evaluating the performance and determine the need for changes” (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). I will keep a log of my daily routine, such as how long it takes to complete a task, then compare those times to create a benchmark on times. From that point I can begin to analyze where I can reduce time and achieve a more productive morning routine.
Metric Data Collected Weekly

Day of Week Time (minutes)
Monday 22
Tuesday 17
Wednesday 15
Thursday 25
Friday 29



Chase, R., Jacobs, R., Aquilano, N. (2005). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. 11th Ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.