Procedure followed in collecting, preserving, storing and transporting evidence

Report on Total Quality Management
May 25, 2020
International Trade Law
May 26, 2020

Procedure followed in collecting, preserving, storing and transporting evidence

Describe the proper procedure for collecting, preserving, storing and transporting evidence€¦€¦..



In criminal investigation, physical evidence has become paramount in the recent past. Physical evidence like fingerprints, DNA and trace evidence may link a suspect directly to a crime. Many courts do not rely on eyewitnesses as they may be biased. This therefore makes physical evidence very crucial in incriminating a suspect.


Prosecution in a criminal case occurs where there is solid physical evidence and not a mere eyewitness.

Collection of evidence requires three kinds of physical evidence to be collected i.e. the fruit of the crime, the instrument of the crime and other evidence identifying the element of the crime. Discretion of the officer in charge of collecting the evidence items is essential. Also the evidence storage is critical and therefore the officer should only collect the evidence items which are of sound value. The officer also has a responsibility of securing the scene until all the investigation is completed to prevent contamination of the evidence. The evidence collected should be marked and labeled accordingly and well safeguarded.

In order to prosecute a suspect in a criminal case a court of law will wholly rely on hard evidence. Therefore well preserved and uncontaminated evidence is vital in meeting the law requirement proof beyond any reasonable doubt’. Evidence or potential evidence shall be preserved in the same condition as when seized. This will help in the defendant to obtain a fair trial as well as help the prosecutor in presenting the case.

In storage there is evidence that will require refrigeration such as blood urine. Such evidence should be transported to sled by an investigator as soon as possible. All evidence secured within the evidence room should be logged in each time it is removed or returned.


The above procedures are very vital in any criminal investigation. They should be strictly followed to avoid loss of vital part of evidence or contaminating the evidence. Its clear that if the evidence collected is not clear it will be hard to prove the guilty of a suspect.


Ortemeier P.J. (2005). Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice 2nd edition: Pearson-Prentice Hall.


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