private-sector organization
Module 1 SLP
Choose an organization to which you have complete access or one about which much has been written. The best reports will be able to draw on business or popular press articles, annual reports or other information produced in-house, published or personal interviews with CEO’s and other managers, newspaper articles, etc. If you are in the military and are planning to retire to the private sector, I encourage you to choose a private-sector organization this will give your project more value when transitioning into a new field.
•List three (3) sources that will give you information about your organization’s inputs, outputs, and transformation processes. Write them up as specified above and use the information to support your case analysis.
2. For each module, you will write at least ONE page for each source you use, double-spaced. Make a separate entry for each source.
3. Entries should summarize major themes, provide definitions/descriptions of major terms and concepts, and note any critical learning points.
4. Entries should be stated in your own words. Do not copy sections of text or abstracts, or copy tables and charts.
•Format your references in the bibliography using APA
Module 1 Case
In each module you will analyze an organization from a systems perspective. In Module 1 we will draw on open systems theory; subsequent modules will examine various aspects of the 7-S model. In Module 5, you will combine and integrate all you have written before into a final project paper.
Each module’s Case Assignment is predicated on your work in that respective SLP, so be sure to complete the SLP before you attempt the case.
Steps to complete this assignment:
1. Choose an organization to which you have complete access or one about which much has been written. The best reports will be able to draw on business or popular press articles, annual reports or other information produced in-house, published or personal interviews with CEO’s and other managers, newspaper articles, etc. If you are in the military and are planning to retire to the private sector, I encourage you to choose a private-sector organization this will give your project more value when transitioning into a new field.
2. Write a 3- to 4-page paper describing the organization from an open systems perspective. The superior paper will also draw on the Nadler/Tushman Congruence Framework. Do not attempt to analyze the organization from the 7-S Framework that will come later.
Module 1 Resources
Falletta, S. (2005) Organizational Diagnostic Models: A review and synthesis, Leadersphere: Notable Models- accessed 05/28/2008 at:
Finnie, William (1997). Strategies, Systems, and Organizations: An Interview with RusselAckoff, Strategy & Leadership. Mar/April 1997, Vol. 25, Issue 2, page 22
McNamara, Carlton P. (1997) Organizational excellence.Business and Economic Review. Columbia: Jul-Sep 1997. Vol. 43, Iss. 4; pg. 19, 4 pgs
Nadler, D. & M. Tushman (1980) A model for diagnosing organizational behavior, Organizational Dynamics, 9 (2); 35-51.
Module 2 SLP
Prepare four new entries for your annotated bibliography. Two entries should concern the strategy of your organization, two should provide information about the structure of your organization. These sources will serve as the basis of your case analysis for this module. Acceptable sources include:
•Personal interviews with organizational officers or other knowledgeable persons inside the organization.
•Published articles/stories about the organization.
•Television/radio/news stories about your organization.
•In-house newsletters, annual reports, etc. produced by the organization.
•Reports by outside organizations or advisors providing analysis of the organization (e.g. financial analyst).
Write up your bibliography as directed in Module 1
Length: 23 pages, double-spaced
Module 2 Case
Drawing on the Background materials and the information you collected in your SLP for this module, write a 2-page paper discussing the relationship between your organization’s strategy and structure. Be sure to address the following questions:
1.What is the organization’s strategy?
2.What is its structure?
3.Do the two support each other?
4.What is the primary outcome of the degree of fit between strategy and structure?
Carman, M. (2011).How to make strategy stick.Training and development in Australia. 38.3. 14-15
Anonymous (2008) The Strategy-Structure Mismatch. Accessed 05/28/2008 at:
Thompson, F. (1991). Management Control and the Pentagon: The Organizational Strategy-Structure Mismatch Thompson, Fred. Public Administration Review. Washington: Jan/Feb 1991. Vol.51, Iss. 1; pg. 52, 15 pgs
Miles, R., Coleman, H. J., Creed, D. (1995). Keys to success in corporate redesign (1995).California Management Review. Berkeley: Spring 1995. Vol.37, Iss. 3; pg. 128, 18 pgs
Gregory N. Stock, Noel P. Greis, John D. Kasarda (1998). Logistics, strategy and structure A conceptual framework; [1] .International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Bradford: 1998. Vol.18, Iss. 1; pg. 37
Module 3 SLP
Prepare four (4) new entries for your annotated bibliography. Two entries should concern the key systems of your organization, two should provide information about the style of your organization. These sources will serve as the basis of your case analysis for this module.
In choosing key systems, determine which systems are most important and focus on them. At Trident, for example, technology and information services are clearly essential systems. At other organizations, the human resources or quality control system may be key.
Write up your bibliography as directed in Module 1 and turn in by the end of this module.
Module 3 Case
Drawing on the background materials and the information you collected in your SLP for this module, write a 3- to 4-page paper discussing the relationship between your organization’s style and systems. Be sure to address the following questions:
1. What is the organization’s style?
2. What are its key systems and how do they operate?
3. How do these elements fit with the organization’s structure and strategy?
4. Recommend ways (if there are any) that its style and systems could be improved to improve organizational performance.
Weber, Y., Drori, I., (2011). Integrating organizational and human behavior perspectives on mergers and acquisitions.International Studies of Management & Organization.41(3).76-95.
Busco, C., Riccaboni, A., &Scapens, R. (2001, March ). Culture vultures. Financial Management, pp. 30-32
Seaborn, E. (1999). Strengthen links between benefits and strategy. HR Focus, 76(6), 11-13.
Chaganti, R., Cook, R. G., &Smeltz, W. J. (2002).Effects of styles, strategies, and systems on the growth of small businesses. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 7(2), 175-192.
Module 4 SLP
Prepare four (4) new entries for your annotated bibliography. Two entries should concern the key staff elements of your organization, two should provide information about the skills of your organization. These sources will serve as the basis of your case analysis for this module.
Write up your bibliography as directed in Module 1 and turn in by the end of this module.
Module 4 Case
Drawing on the background materials and the information you collected in your SLP for this module, write a 3- to 4-page paper discussing the relationship between your organization’s skills and staff characteristics. Be sure to address the following questions:
1. What is the organization’s chief skill (core competency)?
2. What are its key staff characteristics and how do they operate?
3. How do these elements fit with the organization’s structure, strategy, style, and systems?
4. Recommend ways (if there are any) that its skills and staff characteristics could be improved to improve organizational performance.
Behrnes, D., (2012). Recruiting the right people and keeping them. Human Resources Magazine.16(5), p12-13.
Caudron, S. (1998). Integrate HR and training: Working together toward shared goals. Workforce, 77(5), 88-91.
Molvig, D. (2003, July). Training, executive style. Credit Union Magazine, 69, 50-54.
Ramsey, R. D. (2003, July). The supervision of innovation.SuperVision, 64, 3-5.
Treen, D. (1999).A strategic partnership. Ivey Business Journal, 63(4), 67-71.
Module 5 SLP
Prepare two (2) new entries for your annotated bibliography. These entries should identify the superordinate goals of your organization. These sources will serve as the basis of your case analysis for this module. In a concluding paragraph, discuss to what extent you believe the superordinate goals (or core organizational values) parallel the actual strategies, culture and operations of the organization.
Write up your bibliography as directed in Module 1 and turn in by the end of this module.
Length: 23 pages, double-spaced.
Module 5 Case
Drawing on the background materials and the information you collected in your SLP for this module, write a 3- to 4-page paper discussing the relationship among your organization’s superordinate goals and its staff, skills, structure, strategy, style and systems.
Be sure to address the following questions:
1.What is (are) the organization’s superordinate goals?
2.How do these fit with the organization’s staff, skills, structure, strategy, style and systems?
3.Recommend ways (if there are any) that its superordinate goals could be changed or improved to improve organizational performance.
Rubel, T. (1994, Jan).Connecting the dots: Vision, strategy and execution.Chain Store Age Executive with Shopping Center Age, 70(1), 30MH.
Yudd, R. (2003, July). Real-life mentoring lights way for future leaders. Nation’s Restaurant News, 37(30), 48-49.
Chatterjee, S. (2003, September 23). Panel: Poor leadership facilitated assaults at Air Force Academy. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, p. 1.
Chaston, I. (1995). A typology for evaluating branch-level perceptions of internal customer management processes within the UK clearing banks. The Service Industries Journal, 15(3), 332-349.