Privacy of communications and data storage Academic Essay

Telepsychology Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
briefing paper #19 supplementary exam
August 18, 2020

Privacy of communications and data storage Academic Essay

Privacy of communications and data storage is important to most ICT users. Cryptography is one of the most effective ways to protect data in transit and data at rest.

a)Research the current laws relating to the use of cryptography and create a profile of nations (a minimum of 10) showing which inhibit and which encourage privacy protection via the use if cryptographic techniques.

b)Explain the official position taken by the respective nations regarding the use of cryptography.

c)List ALL of your references in the standard bibliographic form regardless of their source and attach that list of references to the end of your paper.

d)Prepare a paper including the chart and appropriate citations for every assertion. This paper will be written clearly and concisely requiring as many pages as it takes to explain and describe the required information.

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions