Topic: compartive political systems
May 18, 2020
Analysis of Complementary Therapy Study
May 18, 2020

Primary Task Response

Primary Task Response

Paper instructions:
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200€“300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and

use examples to reinforce your ideas:

As you continue in this course, we want you to get to know more about your classmates. As a way of introduction, create an initial elevator speech, otherwise known as your 60-second

commercial. Imagine that you are in an elevator, and the president of the company you wish to work for enters. Because you are serious about your career, you consider this an excellent

opportunity to introduce yourself. Write out your elevator speech for this assignment.

Consider the following items and questions:
€¢Your proudest accomplishments
€¢Your key strengths
€¢Relevant work experience
€¢Volunteer experience
€¢What is it you are trying to sell or let others know about you?
€¢Why are you interested in the company or industry the person represents?