PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENT ANALYSIS (History of food in America) Academic Essay

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PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENT ANALYSIS (History of food in America) Academic Essay

The primary document analysis would be the first stage in building your original research project. For this assignment, use the primary document of your choice as the source base for an analytical essay. Your essay should be approximately four double-spaced pages (1,000-1,150 words). Please include your name and an original title for your essay on the first page. In the first paragraph(s) of you essay, you should introduce your source and provide the historical context. Following your introduction, you should make a clear thesis statement, but your essay should also include a statement on methodology. For example, what are the opportunities and limits of using your primary source? Who was the author of your source, and what can you speculate about the author’s audience? How reliable is the author as an historical witness? How can you test your primary source by intersecting its content with other primary and secondary sources? What is the language and tone of the document? In your analysis, you can speculate on the historical forces that shaped the author’s worldview

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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions