Preparing for incidents of terrorism at the local level
October 21, 2020
CRR of Voge
October 21, 2020

Pressure Hazards

In regards to the described vessel, the improper coolants and cooling systems may not only result in a catastrophic overheating but also corrosion damage and possible vessel flooding. In addition, since most of the coolant system is internal to the engine and difficult to observe damage can occur gradually essentially corroding the steel restraints supports previously placed. Within the affected area, the air is also likely to be contaminated with dangerous fumes, smoke and gases that probably harmful to the personnel. Furthermore, compartments within the vessel may be hot, and there is a high probability of oil leakage, which might present a challenge of igniting while under repair. Lastly, the possibility of the corrosion surpassing the placed steel plates is high since the

The support group should have taken into account the possibility of corrosion therefore; they should have implemented double plates on both sides instead of the once placed. They should have added more clamps to reinforce the vessel leakage containment but with proper safety number mind. Implementation of safety equipment that include safety shield for possible explosions, respirators for the contaminated air, spill control kits, gloves and protective clothing for handling the hot surface should have been considered. In addition, since, the airline is given only through one plate; the maintenance should have adjusted the required pressure of air, to be 1 to 2 kg/cm2 respectively to ventilate the vessel faster. The support should have considered an appropriate way of containing the corrosion that would likely come from the cracked valve, since it would probably damage the surface.