Presidential campaign advertising analysis Custom Essay

Presidential campaign advertising analysis Custom Essay

Featured ad: Firms (2012) The issue of the economy was top of the agenda in 2012 after the 2008 financial crisis. In this ad, President Barack Obama campaign ad states that Mitt Romney would worsen the economy owing to his past business record (Living room candidate, 2012a). The political ad sells the message that Obama cares about the economy, and targets the middle class. Obama’s voice adds a personal touch, and appeals to trust in his ability to improve the economy. The ad is negative and doe not focus on Romney’s business record. Romney’s surge in the polls appeared to have surged following his debate performance and campaign ads, but this was short -lived. According to Gerber et al (2007) the impact of television advertising is strong but lasts for a short time. Political payoffs and middle class layoffs (2012) Mitt Romney ad states that more Americans were unemployed under Barack Obama’s Presidency, because of a struggling economy

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