Presenting your Article Analysis (Critical Review)

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June 20, 2020

Presenting your Article Analysis (Critical Review)

Order Description

Presenting your Article Analysis (Critical Review)
10 minute presentations

Start the presentation with a full bibliographic citation (author, title of journal article, name

of journal, volume, issue, date of publication, pages).
Next, describe the author’s purpose in writing the article. What is the research question?
Comment on how the article relates to other work on the same subject
The body of the review should describe the research methods (sample, variables, measurement, etc.).

Pay particular attention to the theory used in the study—definitions of constructs, measures, etc.

Then discuss the author’s major findings and conclusions. Were they supported by the author’s

analysis, arguments, findings, or evidence? What has the author overlooked? Did the author

accomplish his/her objectives?
Was the article referred to by others? Check Social Sciences Citation Index. How did others use the

work? Support it? Rebuttal?
A summary and conclusion will complete the presentation.


2- I want something creative and Unique and do not but that much in slides I want you put my speech

for explain under the slide ….
3-if you can found video from TED or youtube related it with subject about 2 or 3 minute put it
4- Bring a one-page handout for the class;
Summarize the review and come to conclusions.