Question details:
BSHS 452 Week 5 Team Final Proposal Power Point Presentation
Team Power Point Proposal
Create a 20- to 30-minute presentation which is designed to sell a funding organizations’ board of directors on the validity of the need and the program idea.
Include the following in your presentation as a minimum:
APA Title Page Slide
Summary Slide
Need Statement Slide(s)
Organizational Background Slide
Program Design Slide(s)
Evaluation Narrative Slide(s)
Timeline Flowchart Slide
Main Goal & Objectives Slide
Use the 4.1A Worksheet from Week 4
Budget Slide(s)
Use the 8.1A Worksheet from Week 4
APA References Slide
Use appropriate audio and visual aids, such as Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
Slides can be reduced to bullets with extensive speaker’s notes added.