Present a paper on comparative analysis of major theories of child development.(Erikson, Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky) 8 pages/2200 words – (approxi Cust

March 11, 2020
Employee Performance mangement Custom Essay
March 11, 2020

Present a paper on comparative analysis of major theories of child development.(Erikson, Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky) 8 pages/2200 words – (approxi Cust

Comparative Analysis of Major Child Development The physical, mental, emotional and psychological changes that occur in an individual from the time of conception to death constitute an individual’s development which is used interchangeably with growth because the two processes are interrelated but other times they can be distinguished as different interties. Development is a smooth progressive series of changes that occur in a predictable pattern as a result of interaction between biological and environmental factors. Emerging and expanding of capacities of an individual to provide for greater facility in functioning confined to the qualitative changes to the person representing in the quality of function that accompany growth as the child grows he/she develops physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and morally thus termed as child development.