Prepare an evaluation of the performance of the Radiology Department Manager for a hospital.

Describe the preferred timing and objectives for your business plan.
August 6, 2020
Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication
August 6, 2020

Prepare an evaluation of the performance of the Radiology Department Manager for a hospital.

Budgetary Variance ModelPrior to completing this assignment, review Assignment 9 in Chapter 17 of your course text. Prepare an evaluation of the performance of the Radiology Department Manager for a hospital.The service unit, or output, for this department is the number of procedures performed. A static budget was prepared at the beginning of the year. Examine that budget in relation to actual experience. The relevant data are included in Table 17-18 in your course text. The department manager is pleased because the department has a favorable $120,000 cost variance. Evaluate the effectiveness claims of the manager using the budgetary variance mode described in Chapter 17. What is your analysis of the department managers performance? Explain your reasoning.