1. Prison, in jail but not sentenced www.americanquarterly.org
Richard m aborn and Ashley d.cannon winter-2013
2. new Orleans tries reform of pretrial detention and bail www.csmonitor.com By Katy Reckdahl December 12, 2012
3. county jails and pretrial misdemeanors www.county.org By Tim Brown, county information program senor analyst December 13, 2013
4. Pretrial slaves sues for 11 million in Vermont www.takepart.com By Matthew Fisher August 17, 2012
5. Pretrial detention; jailed with no trial, condemned to illness and death the world post By Daniel Wolfe May 8, 2013
6.Preekwinkle presses to expand jails pretrial release program www.chicagotribune.com
By Hal Dardick -tribune reporter January 1, 2014