Pre contract cost planning and pre contract cost controlling

Life Events that lead to Stress
May 12, 2020
Small Business Management
May 12, 2020

Pre contract cost planning and pre contract cost controlling

Cost planning, as part of a cost management framework is a total system that requires commitment from inception to the completion of a project. Cost planning implies a

framework of procedures and demands a commitment from the design team to work closely with the cost planner to achieve the project’s cost and other time and quality

objectives. Cost management is a project and design team responsibility focused on delivering to the client the best value for money.

The theory of cost planning forms part of the wider concept of the cost control of a building project.
It is more meaningful and convenient to discuss, Cost planning activities, practices and techniques undertaken during the pre-tender design stages, in relation to the

RIBA Plan of Work (2007). There are eight pre-tender work stages (A to H):

A. Appraisal
B. Design Brief
C. Concept
D. Design Development
E. Technical Design
F. Production Information
G. Tender Documentation and
H. Tender Action.

However the term cost controlling embracing all methods of controlling the cost of a building from the inception stage through to the completion and preparation of the

final account, handover and into occupation of the building through life cycle costing and facilities management. Cost control is relevant at all these stages in the

development and use of buildings

Value management operates within an organized schedule of procedures. This enables the functional requirements and alternative solutions, with their associated costs,

to be identified and developed to a strict timetable. Value management is often undertaken in the form of an intensive workshop conducted by an independent team of

experienced design team professionals acting in a consultative capacity to the client. On the completion of the workshop, they produce a comprehensive report, with

recommendations, for review and assessment by the client and his project design team. This procedure does not adversely affect the project design team’s

responsibilities to the client. The value management team, operating in a complementary role, acts as a positive catalyst for savings and improved efficiency.


Student is expected to write a report in order to;
– Explain the term pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling
– Explain the pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA work plan (2007)
– Explain the term Life Cycle Costing
– explain the feasibility appraisal of the building
– Explain the cost modelling techniques in cost planning
– Explain the term Value Management
€“ Explain the reasons for unnecessary costs
€“ Explain the process and techniques used in value management
€“ List the Advantages and Disadvantages of Value Management
The report should reflect following Key points
€¢ Purpose of pre contract cost planning
€¢ Pre contract Cost planning activities/practices involved with relevant stages of RIBA 2007.
€¢ Principles of cost planning and cost controlling
€¢ Cost limit, cost targets and cost checking
€¢ Budget setting techniques and budget distributing techniques
€¢ cost modelling
€¢ Concept of Life cycle costing and Advantages and Disadvantages
€¢ Quantity surveyors role as a cost manager, in pre contract cost planning and cost controlling process

Cost planning, as part of a cost management framework is a total system that requires commitment from inception to the completion of a project. Cost planning implies a

framework of procedures and demands a commitment from the design team to work closely with the cost planner to achieve the project’s cost and other time and quality

objectives. Cost management is a project and design team responsibility focused on delivering to the client the best value for money.

The theory of cost planning forms part of the wider concept of the cost control of a building project.
It is more meaningful and convenient to discuss, Cost planning activities, practices and techniques undertaken during the pre-tender design stages, in relation to the

RIBA Plan of Work (2007). There are eight pre-tender work stages (A to H):

A.    Appraisal
B.    Design Brief
C.    Concept
D.    Design Development
E.    Technical Design
F.    Production Information
G.    Tender Documentation and
H.    Tender Action.

However the term cost controlling embracing all methods of controlling the cost of a building from the inception stage through to the completion and preparation of the

final account, handover and into occupation of the building through life cycle costing and facilities management. Cost control is relevant at all these stages in the

development and use of buildings

Value management operates within an organized schedule of procedures.  This enables the functional requirements and alternative solutions, with their associated costs,

to be identified and developed to a strict timetable.  Value management is often undertaken in the form of an intensive workshop conducted by an independent team of

experienced design team professionals acting in a consultative capacity to the client.  On the completion of the workshop, they produce a comprehensive report, with

recommendations, for review and assessment by the client and his project design team.  This procedure does not adversely affect the project design team’s

responsibilities to the client.  The value management team, operating in a complementary role, acts as a positive catalyst for savings and improved efficiency.


Student is expected to write a report in order to;
–    Explain the term pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling
–    Explain the pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA work plan (2007)
–    Explain the term Life Cycle Costing
–    explain the feasibility appraisal of the building
–    Explain the cost modelling techniques in cost planning
–    Explain the term Value Management
€“    Explain the reasons for unnecessary costs
€“    Explain the  process and  techniques used in value management
€“    List the Advantages and Disadvantages of Value Management
The report should reflect following Key points
€¢    Purpose of pre contract cost planning
€¢    Pre contract Cost planning activities/practices involved with relevant stages of RIBA 2007.
€¢    Principles of cost planning and cost controlling
€¢    Cost limit, cost targets and cost checking
€¢    Budget setting techniques and budget distributing techniques
€¢    cost modelling
€¢    Concept of Life cycle costing and Advantages and Disadvantages
€¢    Quantity surveyors role as a cost manager, in pre contract cost planning and cost controlling process


The analysis will take the format of a word document of 3000 words


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?    Word Count        : 3000 words
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