Practicum Placement Agency Research

Identify a relevant economic article from a newspaper
July 9, 2020
Family Home and Dream House
July 9, 2020

Practicum Placement Agency Research


This course involves much more than just reporting to an agency and watching

what goes on. In order to get the most out of the experience, you must be

prepared for it before you go, and you must think about what you have learned

once you have completed the practicum. The assignments in this class are

designed to ensure that this learning process occurs.

Assignment #3.1 – Related Reading Assignment

 This course is intended to provide you with an opportunity to have an in-depth

look at a correctional institution or agency or penitentiary, probably for the first

time. These agencies are unique in terms of organization, staff, and clientele.

It is important that you enter the agencies and prisons with an idea as to what to

expect in order to avoid a tourist experience. In other words, you should

understand something about how the agency to which you are assigned works

and, more importantly, what it means to be employed there.

You are required to select a reading related to your placement and provide a three page précis of

it. Readings from journals or chapters from books are appropriate. You must choose readings of

40-60 pages in length. Prior approval of the instructor is required in order to insure that the

readings are appropriate to the placement. Use the form that follows to advise the practicum

coordinator of your choice of readings. (Note: If you do not have access to a library or other

suitable information, please advise the practicum coordinator who will provide you with suitable


Include in your précis, at a minimum:

the title of each article and the author

why you feel the reading is relevant to your placement

what you feel you learned from the reading

what thoughts and ideas you have changed as a result of the reading

what questions you will be seeking answers to

what your expectations are of your placement

and other insights and comments gained from the reading
