Photo analysis
May 12, 2020
Book Report/Review, Environmental studies
May 12, 2020

PR- Reputation Management

PR- Reputation Management

Analyse the Co-Operative’s (especially co-op bank) challenges, of recent months, using concepts from academic and practitioner sources and propose your recommendations on how it could improve its reputation management.

Project description
Paper subject: PR- Reputation Management

Analyse the CO-OPERATIVE group’s (especially CO-OP BANK) challenges, of recent months, using concepts from academic and practitioner sources and propose your recommendations on how it could improve its reputation management.

Research: Information on organisation is based on credible sources and MUST be current.

Analysis: Identify relevant issues (based on the evidence presented) and provides insights into how the organisation is managing its reputation.

Discussion: Reference appropriate academic and practitioner concepts to explore these issues in greater depth. Make appropriate conclusions/recommendations based on the evidence presented.

Writing and Presentation: The essay should be written with clarity and use referencing conventions (Harvard referencing). It should draw on appropriate academic and practitioner sources.
Referencing Requirements:
Griffin, A (2008) New Strategies for Reputation Management: Gaining control of issues, crises and corporate social responsibility, Kogan Page

Fombrum, C and Van Riel, C (2003) Fame and Fortune: How successful companies build winning reputations, FT Prentice Hall

Doorley, J and Garcia, H (2011) Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication (second edition) Routledge