PPA602 Assignment; Capital Budget

Case Study :“In Hindsight, We Could See It Coming”
October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020

PPA602 Assignment; Capital Budget

Analyze the following scenario:

River County is planning several capital acquisitions for the coming year. These include the purchase of two new garbage trucks at $150,000 each, one new bulldozer at $240,000, three new riding lawn mowers at $16,000 each, and construction of an activity center in the part for $650,000. The expected lifetime of the various capital items is 10 years for the garbage trucks, 8 years for the bulldozer, 5 years for the lawn mowers, and 40 years for the activity center.

Prepare a capital budget for the items to be acquired, showing their estimated lifetimes, and their per unit and total costs.

Clearly label the calculations for the required components of the capital budget using Excel. Use formulas to show the interrelationships and format the cells to insert a comma if there is more than three numbers and round to the nearest whole number. Explain your budget to the county council.

Finally, in a two-page Word document (not including the title and reference pages) and your Excel worksheet. Your paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide, and you must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook (attached).


• 2 References

• No more than 15% Palagrized

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These standards are excerpted from the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published in 2010. These standards are intended to provide an overview of APA formatting necessary for the Forbes School of Business, writing assignments.

Standard 1: Manuscript Elements

o Manuscript Format

? Left, top, bottom, and right margins should be 1 inch.

? Paper is prepared in Times New Roman, 12-point font and is double-spaced throughout.

? Page numbers are Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each page, ½ inch from the top, and are consecutive from the title page through any appendices.

? Preliminary pages contain numbers in lowercase Roman numerals.

o Title Page

? Requirements (in order):

? A Running Head

? The term “Running head: YOUR TITLE” appears on first page (i.e. Title Page) in the header. All subsequent pages contain YOUR TITLE, but do not include the words “Running head,” which is only for the title page.

? The running head needs to be left justified and on the same line as the page number throughout the document.

? The running head can be the title of the manuscript or a shortened version of it.

? Title

? The title should concisely reflect the main idea of the manuscript.

? The title should be typed with initial capitalizations for nouns, verbs, adjectives, and any prepositions five or more letters in length.

? The title should be centered between the left and right margins, and positioned in the upper half of the page.

? Recommended title length: no more than 12 words.

? Student Name

? Course Name and Number

? Instructor

? Submission Date

? Abstract

? An abstract is a brief comprehensive summary of the contents of the manuscript and it allows readers to survey the contents of the manuscript quickly.

? An abstract should only be included if the manuscript is longer than 15-double spaced pages, excluding the title page and reference page.

? Abstract length should range from 150–250 words.

? The abstract should be the second page of the manuscript (after the title page).

? The label Abstract should appear with initial capitalization and lowercase letters, centered, at the top of the page, like a title.

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? The abstract should be a single paragraph without paragraph indentation.

? The Introduction

? Begins on a new page (page 2 [or page 3 if an abstract is included]) and the full title of the paper is centered one inch from the top of the page with initial capitalizations and lowercase letters (not underlined, boldfaced, or italicized) and is double-spaced above the first paragraph of text.

? A manuscript must open with an introduction that presents the thesis, the statement of purpose, the argument, or the specific problem under study.

? There should be no heading labeling it the “Introduction.”

? The Body

? This is the main part of the paper (i.e. biggest).

? This is where you fully address the topic/argument/problem/idea and discuss it.

? There should be no heading labeling it the “Body”.

? The Summary/Conclusion

? This section should summarize the body of the paper and restate the main idea or argument.

? Should include a discussion whereby you examine, interpret, and draw inferences and conclusions from the research.

? There should be no heading labeling it the “Summary” or “Conclusion.”

? Reference List (See below, Standard 3, for specifics on creating the Reference List)

? The purpose of the references list is to provide a list of sources used in the paper which enable readers to easily retrieve the sources/materials that were cited.

? Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list.

? Each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.

Standard 2: Citing References in Text

o Any ideas that are not your own or are not common knowledge must have an author-date citation within the manuscript.

o In-text citations must at least follow the APA 6th edition standards related to citation structure, citation of work from multiple authors, citation of works with no author, citation of direct quotes, and citation of electronic sources.

o Common Format Examples:

? One Work by One Author:

? In-text citation: Goodson (2013) found that higher concentrations of sulfur increased the odor of the spring water. or Parenthetical citation: Significant variation from the mean results in a higher probability of failure (Baker, 2012).

? One Work by Multiple Authors:

? In-text citation: Lawrence, Patrick, Evans and Smith (2009) found… [Use as first citation in text.]

? Lawrence et al. (2009) found… [Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.]

? Works with No Author or with an Anonymous Author:

? The APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) says, “When a work has no identified author, cite in the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter, or a web page and italicize the title of a periodical, a book, or a report” (p. 176).

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? Parenthetical citation: High temperature is a common predictor of decreased employee morale in certain work areas (“Workplace Dynamics,” 2013). or In-text citation: The book The Managers Perspective (2011) outlined the… or Parenthetical citation: Garbage output is a predictor of economic health (Anonymous, 2008).

o Direct Quotation of Sources:

? Citing quoted information (Periodical): “Quote” (Kotter, 2012, para. 2). or As stated by Deming (1991), “quote” (para. 5).

? Citing quoted information (Books, Reference Books, & Book Chapters): “Quote” (Hersey & Blanchard, 1993, p. 47). or As stated by Laudon & Laudon (2012), “Quote” (p. 47).

? Citing paraphrased information: Paraphrased text (Mintzberg, 2002). or According to Mintzberg (2002), paraphrased text.

o Citing online publications: If a page number is not available use paragraph numbers (use the abbreviation “para.”). If the document includes headings but does not provide page or paragraph numbers, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following the heading. (Chandler, 2010, “Training Managers,” para. 2).

o If the quotation comprises fewer than 40 words, incorporate it into text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks. If the quotation comprises of 40 or more words, display it in a freestanding block of text and omit the quotation marks.

Standard 3: Reference List

o All manuscripts must have a reference list which begins after the summary/conclusion of the manuscript, on a separate page.

o The title of the page (i.e. References) should be centered and not underlined, boldfaced, or italicized.

o Reference list entries should be double-spaced, with the first line of each reference beginning at the left margin, and the second and subsequent lines indented one-half inch or seven spaces (a hanging indent). Double-spacing is also used between entries.

o Entries should be in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by initials of the author’s given name.

o Alphabetize group authors, such as associations or government agencies, by the first significant word of the name (e.g. The American Psychological Association would be alphabetized by “A” not “T”).

o Only if the work is signed “Anonymous” would you begin the entry with the word Anonymous spelled out and alphabetize the entry as if Anonymous were a true name.

o A reference should contain the author name, date of publication, title of the work and publication date.

o Format:

? Periodicals

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? Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume # (issue #), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx

? Article from Newspapers Cohen, A. (2006, December 10). The entrepreneurial mentality. International Business Times, pp. A1, A4.

? Online Magazine Article Stewart, T, (2012, December). Stockholder vs. stakeholder: The true power struggle. Corporate Governance and Ethics, 45(6), 30–31.

? If no digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned, include the home page URL for the periodical using this format:

? Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxxx.xxx

? Books, Reference Books, & Book Chapters

? Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher. or Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx.xxx or Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of book. doi:xxxxxxx or Editor’s Last Name, Initials. (Ed.). (Publication Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.

Standard 4: APA Style Standards Use

o These standards should be applied to all FSB written assignments.

o Within discussion forums, APA citations and reference lists may be required for all posts. It is at the discretion of the faculty as to what the requirement will be for each course.

Links to supplemental APA citation, referencing, and formatting examples from the Ashford University Writing Center include: APA Checklist: https://awc.ashford.edu/cd-apa-checklist.html Sample Title Page: https://awc.ashford.edu/PDFHandouts/sample_apa_title_page.pdf Sample References List: https://awc.ashford.edu/PDFHandouts/APA_References_List_Sample.pdf Sample Formatted Paper: https://awc.ashford.edu/research-papers-sample.html


1. Read the following chapters in your text, Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations. Study and review the key terms at the end of each chapter. Work as many problems as possible to understand the material. This is usually the best way to learn the course concepts.

o Chapter 4: Understanding Costs

o Chapter 5: Capital Budgeting

o Chapter 6: Long-Term Financing

2. Read the following article:

o Juszczak, T. (2004, Winter). Federal performance budgeting: The budget’s new clothes. The Journal of Government Financial Management, 53(4), 27-30. This article can be retrieved from the ProQuest database.




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(1000) words

A) What is your perception of a contemporary definition of ‘disaster resilience’?

B) What have been 3 main drivers in the evolution of ‘disaster resilience’ as a global trend?

C) How would you rate your country’s progress towards the priorities of the Hyogo Framework?

You are required to locate at least one ADDITIONAL reference (additional to the core readings provided below)

There are four general background readings to set the scene for the Unit. They serve as a philosophical overview for discussion in the Unit and as a stimulus to your reflection on your own professional practice and of those around you! These readings are general introductory readings to get you started in the Unit.

Disaster resilience is a relatively new concept. ‘Resilience’ is a concept that has bee developed in many disciplines over an extensive period, but ‘resilience’ as applied the ‘disaster’ setting is a global trend which has in evolved only since the mid-2000’s.

The 2013 article by David Alexander provides a nice historical overview and some of the key issues in the evolution of disaster resilience and is available at http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/13/2707/2013/nhess-13-2707-2013.pdf

In the Australian setting, Dudley McArdle has outlined the evolution of ‘disaster resilience’ leading to the Council of Australian Government’s(COAG) National Strategy for Disaster Resilience – Building our nation’s resilience to disasters (NSDR) released in 2011 and which has driven developments across Australia since that time.

(McArdle) http://ro.ecu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1385&context=jephc

(COAG) https://www.coag.gov.au/sites/default/files/national_strategy_disaster_resilience.pdf

Fran Norris, presents an interesting perspective of ‘resilience’ in ‘Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities, and Strategy for Disaster Readiness’ (2008) http://www.emergencyvolunteering.com.au/ACT/Resource%20Library/CR_metaphor_theory_capacities.pdf

Saudi Arabia (more about IT)

Guidelines on Disaster Recovery Planning for the ICT Industry. This article relates to ‘recovery’ but includes a ‘disaster resilience’ perspective.



