PowerPoint presentation on a social or political issue

Source Activitys
July 9, 2020
Vision, Alignment and Paradigms
July 9, 2020

PowerPoint presentation on a social or political issue

You need to create a PowerPoint presentation on a social or political issue of your choice. These powerpoints are meant to be a virtual teach in from student to student. Each student is required to post their PowerPoint presentation in the discussion form with a 100 word paragraph description of the issue and a potential solution to the problem on the last slide.

1) Pick a social or political issue that interests you. Review the course readings, textbook chapters, and other resources from the class website to choose something of interest.(choose topics from: capitalism,democracy,political process,economic system,consumer products, race, and ethnic identity )

2) Visit www.arc.org or www.thenation.com or www.nytimes.com to do research on your issue. If it’s a local issue in the Bay Area – use local agencies. Other websites, news agencies, and research institutes are applicable. Make sure they are relevant to course themes.

3) Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 10 slides (11th slide will be the summary of the issue highlighting a potential solution to the problem, 12th slide should be your references page).

Be sure to include, pictures, quotes, statistics, facts, and a page (not to be included in your page count) for references. BE CREATIVE THIS CAN BE FUN.

4) Post your PowerPoint and a 100 word description
