Politics. Modern Dictatorships and political ideology

Personal Reflection 5
March 12, 2020
Interest Groups
March 12, 2020

Politics. Modern Dictatorships and political ideology

Politics. Modern Dictatorships and political ideology

A comparison between the Venezuela of Hugo Chavez and the Libya of Mohammed Gadaffi.

Say what the problem is. Say what the argument is going to be. Say what the case studies are. Give an outline of the dissertation.
Dictatorship: about what is dictatorship. Give a systematic review of dictatorship in general. Structured on key points such as; how do dictators come in to power? How they govern? How they make use of their resources? Support from citizens? Do they make use of violence? What is the public opinion about the dictators? What about corruption and development in the particular country? National and international accountability of the dictators or any other important characteristics of dictatorship. Write it in a style, which will enable to link the key points to the actual case study.
Case study: Link the characteristics of dictatorships outlined in the previous section to Chavez and Gadaffi. Establish at least 5 points of comparison on their style of dictatorships: that is comparing their style of dictatorships. It is vey important to make a clear argument. How the characteristics differ from each other? There should be evidence of research and written in a clear and scholarly language.
Conclusion: Recap on research question. What are the main findings? and your general opinion?