Political Science Academic Essay

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Political Science Academic Essay

1.‘Democracy is merely a journey to mob rule’. Discuss with reference to the ideas of Plato and other political thinkers.

2.Did particular social, political and economic factors contribute to the emergence of a totalitarian regime in Nazi Germany OR Stalinist Soviet Union?

3.How serious a threat to democracy is the Far Right in contemporary Europe? Are there parallels today – in terms of social, political and economic conditions – with pre-World War 2 Europe?

4.‘Direct democracy is a pipedream. It sounds good, but it will never work’. To what extent would you agree with this statement?

5.‘The Arab Spring shows that the road from dictatorship to democracy can be a difficult one’. Discuss.

6.‘Representation has a problematic relationship with democracy, with which it is often thoughtlessly equated’ (Pitkin 2004, p.335). Discuss.

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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions