Political Science 220
Fall 2014
Assignment Three
On July 13, 1977 Somalia invaded Ethiopia in an attempt to regain the Ogaden Valley (the Southeastern part of Ethiopia). The valley was already experiencing an irredentist group, the Western Somali Liberation Front, and given that Ethiopia was just coming out of a civil war, Somalia had a larger army and was receiving military support from Egypt, Somalia expected a relatively easy victory. Instead, Ethiopia managed to raise a 100,000 men militia, received military support from the Soviet Union (which also supplied Somalia at one point) and a number of Cuban troops, which promptly regained most of the territory that the Somalians had gained. The Soviet Union and Cuba sent troops and materiel because they saw Ethiopia as a true Marxist regime and as a way to gain influence in the region.
The war ended on March 15, 1978 when the last Somalian troops left Ethiopia leaving the border between the two countries intact.
Using at least TWO of the systemic reasons for war that we discussed, explain why this war occurred. Be sure to explain the Somalian and Ethiopian perspectives, but do not include either the Soviets, Americans or Cubans.
If you should decide to do the third paper, it will be due Nov. 3rd. Since it is the third paper, it should be between 6 and 7 pages. (When I say six pages, I do mean six, not five and three sentences, or five and a half). It should be Times News Roman, double spaced, 12pt. and should have one inch margins. Also, at the top of the paper just write second assignment and your name. No need for the date, or my name. Finally, make sure you message it to me on blackboard.
It is appropriate to use newspapers and magazines as sources, or even the book. It is NOT appropriate, however, to use WIKIPEDIA. Enclyclopedias in general are not appropriate for this kind of assignment. Should you use WIKIPEDIA, I will automatically detect points. On the other hand, anything you use in your paper should be cited in the following matter:
Jimenez, Luis. 2013. International Relations Class. Boston, MA: University Press.
Magazine, or Academic Journal.
Jimenez, Luis. 2013. “Title” Journal Title. 20(3): 115-198.
Article taken from a computer source:
Jimenez Luis. 2013. “Title” Source. Available: http://www.Ifoundithere.com. Date Accessed.