Topic: Features and benefits of the CRM solution
September 18, 2020
September 19, 2020


– Technology, Issues, and Dangers 1. What is an example of technology that is used in policing? How does technology impact the ability for police organizations to function at a high level?Is there a better solution for police officers who are against or have difficulty with using technology? 2. What are the issues facing law enforcement today? How do these issues coincide with those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? What suggestions do you have to improve the relationship between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and DHS? 3.What are the dangers of policing? How do these dangers impact policing as you look forward to the future of policing? What suggestions do you have to improve safety concerns for the future?5. Critical Issues in Policing – Dangers of policing – Less-than-lethal weapons – Technology used in policing – Issues of homeland security and law enforcement relationships – One additional critical issue in policing that is of interest to you Explain the issue. Explain how the issue is relevant.