Since 1776, when the United States gained independence from the British, the nation’s foreign policy has advanced from expansionist to isolationism depending on democracy. In my opinion, the United States, has assumed the responsibility of being the policemen of the world. This role is evident with the United States’ use of military forces in international incidents such as the UnitedStates intervention during the 2011 civil war in Libya to overpower the dictatorship of Muhammad Gaddafi, the then Libyan leader(Dwyer, 2011). Another incident is the US involvement during the 2011 civil war in Yemen where there military forces protested the leadership of the then Yemen president, Ali Abdullah Saleh(Dilanian & Cloud, 2012). Though the United States has been praised for defending democracy, there is always a behind motive behind their actions. In the above two incidents, the major factor was protecting the nation’s interests. Both Yemen and Libya are known for terrorist activities committed by groups such as al-Qaeda. The US focuses on the activities of these terrorist groups in order to intercept information to frustrate acts of terrorism especially against the Americans. Leadership in Yemen and Libya is of interest to the US because some regimes sympathize with such military groups. Lack of transparent leadership in the two countries is a threat to the interests of the United States because failure in leadership can lead to military coups and military governments.
I) Three International happeningsthat can be associated with the foreign policy formed subsequent to the end of civil war
II) Three facetsin the history of US since 1865 that has geared the rise of the nation to being a world power and policeman
III) Three international incidents where US has adopted a policing responsibility since the second world war
IV) Three to five forces that led to worldwidestrategy choices involving Vietnam, Somalia and Iraq incidents
Dilanian, K., & Cloud, D. (2012, May 16). U.S. escalates clandestine war in Yemen. In LosAngeles Times. clandestine-war-Yemen-us-troops-.html
Schultz, K. M. (2014). HIST: Volume 2: U.S. history since 1865 (3rd Ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning
Dwyer, D. (2011, August 22). US military intervention in Libya cost at least $896 million. In abc news;