Learn as much as possible about the biases, education, age, status, style, and personal and professional concerns of your receivers. An audience-cente
August 10, 2020
analyze a group or team of which you are/were a member/participant
August 10, 2020

Police: Use of Force

Police: Use of Force

Read your assigned chapter and review the video addressing police use of force.  This assignment addresses Use of Force issues such as but not limited to- police authority to use force, 1989 Graham v. Connor court decision, less lethal weapons, Use of Force Continuum, define Use of Force, and the 1985 Tennessee v. Garner decision establishing the Fleeing-Felon Rule.  Students need to include additional important information from the textbook and from research references.  This assignment is due midnight Sunday.

Dropbox: On four occasions during the session, you will be expected to complete a two-page (minimum), double-spaced essay on an assigned research topic.  Meeting the two-page minimum is insufficient if the topic is not property addressed.  At least two research references must be included  (some assignments may require more than two research references) and they should be in APA format.  Research sources must also be properly cited in the body of your essay and the citations must match the listed references and vice versa.