Police-Community Relations, Community-Oriented Policing, Police

Technology Question
October 19, 2020
€¢Your company moves into a new building. Marketing is on the first floor, engineering is on the second floor€¦€¦€¦
October 19, 2020

Police-Community Relations, Community-Oriented Policing, Police

Police-Community Relations, Community-Oriented Policing, Police Discretion, Community Policing (either one)

Written Assignment:

You will be required to submit a ten (8) page term paper A. P. A. style. The topic must be of a related subject matter of this course. (ex: Police-Community Relations, Community-Oriented Policing, Police Discretion, Community Policing).

5 references are required which could also include class textbooks;

Police-Community Relations and the Administration of Justice:
Hunter, Ronald, D. & Barker, Thomas: ISBN # 978-0-13-245778-1
Race, Ethnicity and Policing: Rice, Stephen, K. & White Michael, D.
ISBN# 978-0-8147-7616-2

Class name is;
PSC 202-06 Police-Community Relations

Subject Area is ‘Criminal Justice