Please write an essay that responds to the questions posed at the bottom of this handout.

Sexual Harassment: HR Vice President Memorandum
June 24, 2020
Thoerizing Revolutions
June 24, 2020

Please write an essay that responds to the questions posed at the bottom of this handout.

Topic: Cri

Order Description
Please write an essay that responds to the questions posed at the bottom of this handout. You may refer to your lecture notes and texts from the course. This is not a research paper, rather a critical response to the questions posed. The essay should be typed in12 point font with 1-inch borders. The length is 4-5 pages max. No illustrations necessary. However, you should refer to specific artworks to support your claims. When you reference an artwork you must include: artist’s name, complete title of the work, date.

You must include detailed discussion of at least 3 different texts from the course syllabus—Hopkins, multiple authors within Seltz and Stiles, and McFadden (from Blackboard)

The essay should be written from your perspective, using your own words. Do not plagiarize, or paraphrase heavily and keep quotes to a minimum. Please do not use web sources for this assignment. Used the assigned readings.

This is a solo enterprise and you should not collaborate. Structuring your essay: your essay should begin with a thesis statement, which clearly outlines in the first paragraph the essential points of your argument.Your paper will be evaluated on the clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness of your argument. Please be sure to carefully proofread your paper for spelling and grammatical errors.

Citing Sources: Formal footnoting is not required (you may use an abbreviated author/page number format if the source is an assigned essay; be sure to use the names of individual authors in Seltz and Stiles) as well as the page number. Please remember to fully cite all ideas and quotations from the sources that you use; failure to do so will result in an automatic “0” for the assignment (see syllabus for further information on plagiarism).

CRITICAL RESPONSE ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 QUESTION: Focusing on the art practices presented ON OR AFTER FEB 24, trace the shift away from medium specificity as the organizing principle for advanced art production towards the notion of “sites” and “systems” based practices. For example, consider the ideas associated with Pop Art, Art & Technology, Expanded Cinema, Minimalism, Postminimalism, Earthworks, Conceptual art, Feminism, Video and Performance Art. What new demands are placed on the viewer by the development of these practices? What methodologies do art historians/critics use to address these new types of practices?