Please select one of the projects (buildings or groups of buildings) designed by one of the 12 architects (Wright, Corbu, Mies van der Rohe, Calatrava

Critical Thinking Paper 3: Compare/Contrast
October 16, 2020
Complete the Troubleshooting Computer Hardware assignment by writing a 150-word response to each of the questions.
October 16, 2020

Please select one of the projects (buildings or groups of buildings) designed by one of the 12 architects (Wright, Corbu, Mies van der Rohe, Calatrava

Please select one of the projects (buildings or groups of buildings) designed by one of the 12 architects (Wright, Corbu, Mies van der Rohe, Calatrava, Murcutt, Rogers, Alto, Barragan, Kahn, Jones, Predock, or Fathi)

(City of the Arts,Valencia,Spain)

Tell us in a page or two why you selected that particular project, including what you like or dislike about it, and how that project exemplifies the work of its architect, and his or her predecessors? Include some rational about why you like or dislike the project, you should be able to give us a reasonable case, or argument, for your opinion. From what you have learned in the lectures how have you arrived at your opinion? How do you think the first generation of architects (Mies, Corbu and Wright) apply to your selected project/architect? For example, what is it about the project’s design, shape, materials, location on the site, use of views and natural lighting/ventilation that relate to Mies, Corbu, and Wright?

1 page


Two sources

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