In my family, we are three: My father, mother and I. We reside in South Korea, my father is a broadcaster in Korea while my mother is a housewife. The quality of our lives is middle class. In the US, class has affected my social life.
Analysis of the census data
The average age of the US citizens is 46.2 years, with male population being 48.6% and female population being 51.40%. Americans form 71.50% of the US population, Asians 18.00%, and Hispanic 3,90% while the rest of the people form 6.6%. Family households (82.00%) dominate the US, while husband-wife family (72.00%) also form a large portion of the households. Households with own children under 18 form 41.30%, while households with own children over 18 form 35.30%. Non-family households occupy 18.00% of the households. Owner-occupied housing units form 88.3%, while renter-occupied housing units form 11.7%. Graduates (47.30%) form a large number of the educated population. Bachelor’s degree have 35.10% of the population. About 10.10% of the population have some college education with no degree. The other people have associate degrees, 9th to 12th grade diploma and less than 9th grade diploma. Employment status indicates that 78.30% of the population have management, business, science and arts occupations, while sales and office occupations have 14.80% share. Service occupations have 4.80%, while the rest of the people work in natural resources, construction and maintenance, production, transportation and material moving occupation. The mean family income is $206,392, per capita income $95.757 and families below poverty level are 0.00%. All people below poverty level form 1.80%. Most of the people (85.40%) are natives, while 14.60% were born in foreign countries. People speaking English only form 80.90% of the population, while people who speak languages other than English form 19.10%.