Pilot of Data Gathering Instrument
Describe the variable(s) or construct(s) that you are measuring. Give both the constitutive and the operational definitions.
Describe the sample you are using to gather data on, and describe how it was chosen. Be sure to characterize the sample in terms of number, gender, age or other appropriate demographic factors using tables and graphs
Data Instrument Describe the data instrument, either: 1) Using an existing instrument: give a description and some statistics on the instrument and why you chose it. 2) Modifying an instrument: describe why and how you modified an existing instrument. bggg3) Creating a new instrument: attach your instrument to the paper. Data
Report the raw data CX from your sample in appropriate tabular, graphical and/or visual formats. Use appropriate charts or tables, and also try to display the data more visually in a graph, frequency polygon, scatterplot or histogram. Pay particular attention to labels and headings to increase clarity. Excel, or Survey Monkey are a particularly useful tools for this.
Descriptive Statistics
A Calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics and state why you are using them. Calculating central tendencies (mean, median or mode) and dispersion (range or standard) deviation should help you characterize the data set(s). If you have more than one variable, calculating a correlational coefficient may be called for.
Analysis and Interpretation
What does your data mean? What story is it telling?