lear, well thought out searchable clinical question using PICO method
(5 marks)
For the literature search, provides a concise summary of the search terms, MeSH terms used and use of Boolean operators.
Search likely to address the question.
Provides a summary of the number of papers at each stage of the search
(5 marks)
Identifies a paper that best answers the clinical questions and undertakes a critical appraisal:
• Provides a brief statement on the reasoning in the choice of paper and its relevance to the PICO question.
• Provides a clear statement on the research question and study design
• Provides a clear statement on participants, sample size and adequacy of sample.
• Provides a clear statement on data collection and analysis and whether they are appropriate
• Provides a clear statement on the validity of the study and any bias
(10 marks)
• Appraises the significance of the results and notes any limitations of the data presented.
• In particular, notes whether the data reported allows for determining clinical significance
(10 marks)
• Provides a clear and insightful statement about the relevance of the paper to the question asked
• Provides a clear and insightful statement about the findings of the study and the implications for clinical practice
• Identifies the limitations of the study
(10 marks)
Well written in a clear and organised structure with good use of language, including accurate terminology.
(10 marks)
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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions