Physical Education Resource Manual for K-6 teachers

Compare and contrast a work with a movie adaptation
June 4, 2020
Begin by viewing the 30 minute video which consists of interviews with faculty and students from the University of Washington’s
June 4, 2020

Physical Education Resource Manual for K-6 teachers

Physical Education Resource Manual for K-6 teachers

This task requires you to prepare a Physical Education Resource Manual for K-6 teachers that demonstrates a pedagogy of play through its focus on fundamental movement skills (FMS).

What is play?

There are many definitions and forms of play which can look different in various educational settings, communities and cultures. A range of these will be illuminated and scaffolded through the online modules. In terms of this particular assignment, play may be defined as relevant, meaningful and purposeful, providing students with choice and social support (i.e. sharing materials and ideas, solving problems, assisting one another to complete a task). Learning experiences that are underpinned by a pedagogy of play might include the following:

Playground activities such as tag games, hopscotch or follow the leader;

Movement to music that has been selected to enhance skill learning, e.g. a rhythmical piece of music that children keep in time with whilst hand dribbling;

Dramatic play in which themed prop boxes might be used, e.g. circus theme: red noses or umbrellas; Olympics theme: medals, whistles, ribbons;

Obstacle courses with fixed or mobile playground or PE equipment;

Play stations with sufficient equipment for a group of approximately six children to attempt, practise and consolidate FMS.

A pedagogy of play encourages both child and teacher structured activities, wherein the teacher facilitates rather than leads the learning experience. Pedagogical principles need to be applied to ensure appropriate play activities are selected, developed and modified to enhance student-centred learning outcomes.

Section 1 – Fundamental Movement Skills

This section needs to include the following four tasks, which will be supported through online Modules:

include a summary of what you consider FMS are, underpinned by at least TWO academic references (100-200 words);

provide a rationale for teaching FMS within a primary education context, supported by at least TWO academic references (400-500 words);

identify and describe the FMS that the NSW BoS K-6 PDHPE syllabus recommends to be taught in each Stage;

offer a continuum of learning experiences for TWO of these FMS, i.e. progressive, differentiated tasks for learners of different ages that would assist them to achieve the stated outcomes of the syllabus related to the acquisition of FMS. Your continuum needs to progress from Early Stage 1 through to Stage 3 and include at least TWO play-based learning experiences for each Stage. It will also need to conform to ONE of the syllabus strands as follows: dance, gymnastics, or games and sports (a continuum model will be provided on Interact).

Section 2: Play as Pedagogy

This section needs to include the following three tasks, which will be supported through online Modules:

a critical reflection of a chosen learning theory that advocates play-based pedagogy, e.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Reggio, Montessori (300-500 words);

the design of TWO different play-based learning experiences that focus on TWO different FMS from the ones in Section 1 above and a different strand (either dance, gymnastics, or games and sports according to what you have previously chosen). These learning experiences need to clearly demonstrate an inclusive and differentiated approach. They can be designed for any Stage;

a mind-map of how ONE of your two selected FMS might be developed throughout the school week in at least THREE other KLAs and also during transition times (e.g. break, lunch, or travelling from a classroom context to outside) and within the home context.

Section 3: Assessment of FMS

This section needs to include the following three tasks, which will be supported through online Modules:

a reflection on different ways of assessing FMS in the school and home context, including a minimum of two academic references (300-500 words);

2-3 different assessment templates for FMS that you have created (e.g. rubrics, self-reflection table, student quiz);

written, verbal or visual evidence of feedback from another peer in this group (200-250 words or the equivalent in time, i.e. 2-2.30 minutes) regarding your assessment templates and some post-feedback written insight (200-250 words) into how you think you might improve and/or develop them in the future.

NOTE*: In building your capacity to teach PDHPE in a variety of K-6 contexts, your teaching and learning resource will be added to a DIGITAL LIBRARY which each student will be provided access to after the marking period has passed. It is envisaged that the portfolio of work will provide you with a repertoire of resources to assist you in your teaching practice as a primary PDHPE teacher.


This task provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their standard of achievement in the following subject outcomes:

be able to justify the inclusion of PDHPE as a valuable educational experience in the broader school curriculum;

have investigated the place of PDHPE in the continuum of learning from K-12, with particular emphasis on the links between Stage 3 and 4;

be able to differentiate the curriculum to include the interests, motivations, abilities and socio-cultural backgrounds of their learners;

have investigated the aims, objectives, outcomes, content, course requirements, and key terms in the PDHPE K-6 syllabus;

be able to critique, select and apply a variety of pedagogical models to design stage appropriate, creative, challenging and inclusive learning experiences which cater for the varying learning styles and needs of their learners;

value PDHPE as a lifelong learning experience; and

be able to design, implement and report on quality assessment for and assessment of learning tasks that assist in developing descriptive profiles of student learning outcomes