Online surveillance systems in communicable diseases
May 11, 2020
Art Poster Adult Release Form
May 11, 2020



Write an essay of 1000-2000 words to answer ONE of the following questions:

1. What is disciplinary power? In answering the question, explain what Foucault means by the term and illustrate it with reference to one or more social institution (e.g. schools, universities, factories, prisons, hospitals, mental institutions).
2. Is feminism needed to secure women’s rights? In answering the question, explain what feminism means, specify what women’s rights are and show clearly what connections there are between feminism and women’s rights.
3. Second wave feminists said the personal is the political. What is meant by this phrase and is it true? In answering the question, explain what the nature of power is and how it relates to personal relationships. You may draw on Foucault’s analysis of power, feminist analyses of power or any other relevant source in answering the question.
4. Explain and critically evaluate John Rawls’ theory that the state should be based on the notion of justice as fairness. In your explanation include a discussion of his two principles of justice as fairness, the original position and the veil of ignorance.