Personal Philosophy of Success

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October 3, 2020
European versus Asian Developments
October 3, 2020

Personal Philosophy of Success

Success is what each person yearns for in life. I have not been left behind in this zest, in an endeavor to accomplish the dreams I have in life, in order to celebrate my life at old age. I have continuously improved on my strategies through self assessment, and improving on the areas I felt were not proceeding well. The strategies I use in my life have helped me

The first strategy I plan to continue applying in my life is a sense of self-motivation. Self motivation is outlined by Covey (120) ,zed many things through self-motivation. I am a leader of a self-motivational group.When we were electing the chair, most of the members of the group were not ready for that challenging leadership responsibility. A sense of intrinsic motivation to develop my leadership skills burned strongly in me, and I accepted the position of chairperson. The group has recorded tremendous progress, and all the members have appreciated my leadership. Self motivation has also enabled me to maintain a good grade here in school. Covey’s (89) third habit of working with a priority list, has guided me in prioritizing my education.

Accepting personal responsibility is another strategy I plan to to achieve great success. Taking a personal responsibility assists me in ensuring Ido not procrastinate the activities I should do. For example, I do not keep on postponing my assignments over the weekend, only to do them at the rush hour. Accepting that it is my responsibility and allocating quality time for them has enabled me record a lot of success in academics. I believe that accepting personal responsibility will enable me raise a successful family, and achieve the life goals that I have set for my life.

Maintaining and renewing a positive attitude, as well as, a good rapport with other people, and making friends with them, is another strategy that has kept me going in life. Covey (209) advises that, the habit of interpersonal leadership enables one to see opportunities in other people. Success in life requires that a person allows friends in their life, because one cannot succeed alone. In my life, friends have been of great value. In the leadership, I am sure I would not have recorded the success I have realized, were it not for my friends. I have purposed to value them all through my life, and to give them a chance to inspire me in all my endeavors. When friends congratulate me, they have always raised my self-esteem. Management of self-esteem is a very significant strategy for realizing success in life.

In sum, my personal philosophy for success revolves around accepting a personal responsibility, self-management, management of self esteem and making friends. Accepting personal responsibility has enabled me to manage myself and my issues in a timely manner. Management of self-esteem and maintenance of friends has enabled me to accomplish my goal of taking responsibility. I have continuously regained an inspiration from the success I have achieved through the strategies I have employed, and I purpose to continue employing them.

Work Cited

Covey, Stephen, R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Florence, MA: Free Press, 2004. Print.