Personal Management Plan Academic Essay

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Personal Management Plan Academic Essay

Could you please let me know if your expert can prepare “personal management plan” assignment. with APA in text citation and at the end APA references?

This is master of teaching (secondary) course, therefore, the person who is doing this work should have a teaching background! or a university graduate who has done secondary teaching in Australia.

Also, please let me know about TURNITIN REPORT! as you flyers says that you do provide free TURNITIN report too! I do need TURNITIN report for this assignment please!!!

The word count is 2500 but he/ she can write between 2300-2500 words. As I mentioned earlier it should be for teaching secondary school students. So I would say year 7-9 would be fine! The expert/ writer should have knowledge of writing a personal management plan (for secondary school teachers). He/she should have an Australian degree in teaching either Batchelor or post graduate diploma in teaching or master of teaching.

screen shots 386-389 ( assignment details and rubrics are there)

screen shots 347-385 (chapter 8 of personal management plan information mentioned) it needs to be read!

Please reply to my all questions! You can forward this email to the writer/ expert who is going to write this personal management plan. I again emphasise that IT IS CRUCIAL THAT THE WRITER MUST READ ALL ATTACHED PAGES! Because it’s clearly mentioned in detail how to develop a

“Personal management plan”.

For expert’s convenience I am going to write what in general should be included in personal management plan.

It has to be for secondary class students please! Let’s say year 7-9.

Personal Management Plan (refer to McDonald, 2013, Chapter 8, pp. 278 – 301) I have attached this pages in this email! Develop your own personal management plan which should include:

Your philosophy including how this has changed if at all from the beginning of the semester and what has influenced the change. Your philosophy should include beliefs about how children learn, what influences behaviour, the outcome and intention of interventions, the degree of control, and the role of the teacher.

The theories (choose at least 3) which support your philosophy and approach and describe their key elements and how these support your plan.

The practical steps you will use in the classroom including rules, expectations, codes of conduct, responsibility, development of class culture, seating plans, general classroom organisation and strategies for managing challenging behaviours.

Hope these three point give an overview BUT please read the McDonald chapter 8 all pages which I have attached!

I would say it would be great if you could choose 4 Theorists please!!! And their Class management theories which supports your philosophy, describe key element and support your personal management plan.

You can choose any 4 of the following Theorists: The first two, Fredric Jones and Craig Seganti should be added!!! Rest two you can choose from the following list:

1. Fredric Jones- Positive Classroom discipline. ( please add this one!)

2. Craig Seganti- Classroom discipline 101( please this one too!)

3. Ed Ford- Responsible Thinking

4. William Glaser- Noncoercive Discipline

5. Thomas Gordon- Discipline as Self control

6. Harry and Rosemary Wong- Effective Teaching

7. George Sugai- School Wide Positive Behaviour

8. Linda Albert – Cooperative Discipline

9. Ronald Morrish- Real Discipline

10. Paul Alberto & Anne Troutman – Applied Behaviour Analysis

I hope this information will help the expert in order to write a good ‘personal management plan”.

Moreover, just as an example I have downloaded a sample management plan which is called ” Classroom management plan”. So, expert get some idea. However, he personal management plan which expert writes should be according to the information I have provided above in this email and according to the attached rubrics and chapter 8 pages attached! Please find attached pages of chapter 8 in this forwarded email. If you can’t find those pages with the rubrics then please let me know!

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Posted on May 1, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions