Personal Knowledge Management System

Ocean Academic Essay
September 3, 2020
Enterprise Systems Analysis & Design project
September 3, 2020

Personal Knowledge Management System

Personal Knowledge Management System
Order Description
• Watch slideshare presentation:Personal Knowledge Management

• Read the following articles for ideas for creating your PKM. While some of the tools mentioned are not the most current, the strategy is still applicable.

Development: How to Stay on Top of the Latest Marketing Trends (2012)

The art of staying up to date (2012)

• Create a Word document with an outline of your Personal Knowledge Management system including any tools you desire. Explain how you will ensure your personal growth in the digital space by searching, retrieving, storing, aggregating or sharing knowledge.


– We use Tumblr to create a Mastery Journal in which we document our progress towards our personal development and leadership goals. My Tumblr account is:

– These are some of the tools I have used as part of my PLN (Personal Learning Network) in the past:

• Diigo is a social bookmarking website which will enable you to bookmark and tag web pages that you feel can aid you in your Mastery Journey.

• Feedly reader to provide RSS feeds to new sources of information.

• My linkedin account is: www.LinkedIn/in/maccarpeli

• YouTube. My YouTube channel is:

• DropBox for file sharing

Order Description
• Watch slideshare presentation:Personal Knowledge Management

• Read the following articles for ideas for creating your PKM. While some of the tools mentioned are not the most current, the strategy is still applicable.

Development: How to Stay on Top of the Latest Marketing Trends (2012)

The art of staying up to date (2012)

• Create a Word document with an outline of your Personal Knowledge Management system including any tools you desire. Explain how you will ensure your personal growth in the digital space by searching, retrieving, storing, aggregating or sharing knowledge.


– We use Tumblr to create a Mastery Journal in which we document our progress towards our personal development and leadership goals. My Tumblr account is:

– These are some of the tools I have used as part of my PLN (Personal Learning Network) in the past:

• Diigo is a social bookmarking website which will enable you to bookmark and tag web pages that you feel can aid you in your Mastery Journey.

• Feedly reader to provide RSS feeds to new sources of information.

• My linkedin account is: www.LinkedIn/in/maccarpeli

• YouTube. My YouTube channel is:

• DropBox for file sharing