Personal Budget- Career Development

production and consumption habits
October 12, 2020
HIM Acquisition and Implementation Plan: Part One
October 12, 2020

Personal Budget- Career Development

Application Assignment: Personal Budget- Career Development
Chapter 4: Finances After Graduation Chapter 5: Industry & Job Research (see the attach)

Perform the following tasks:
Step 1: Comparable Salary (Part 1).
To find a comparable salary for the position you wish to have, go to:
Type in the position and your zip code, and locate what the low/starting salary is. This will indicate the average salaries in your area. (Early childhood Education) (Fort Myers Florida 33967)
The starting base salary is given on the left of the “salary curve.” This should be the approximate range, if you have little or no experience in this particular field. Most of you will be starting your career with no experience. Next, create a monthly budget utilizing the starting salary info you have found (in other words, divide the yearly salary you just found by 12).
Step 2: The Budget.
To complete the budget, download the Monthly Personal Budget available (See the attach)
Download the personal monthly budget form, fill it out as completely as possible. You need only fill out the Actual Cost column.
If you have “additional income,” please indicate what it is. (I do not need to know personal stuff. The idea is to get you to create the budget – not tell me your personal affairs. Whatever you tell me, give me the general info – not the details.)
Step 3: Comparable Salary (Part 2).
Finally, please download the Word Template For Budget document (see the attach). This part of the assignment should be completed in APA format; use the Word document to explain your budget. Explain how you calculated your salary, why you left some line items blank, and why the additional line items are necessary to your budget. Change the “Other” line items to reflect your personal budget
This is related with the career early childhood Education in Fort Myers Florida 33967.