Persecution of the Church in the Revelation

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Persecution of the Church in the Revelation

There has always been a major concern for the second coming of Jesus Christ among the Christian communities. Before the present century, there have been predominant interpretations of events which include the post tribulation rapture. Notably, the interpretations of the tribulations have been explained to include two “second comings” of Jesus. These comings have been interpreted to include the rapture of the Believers before the Great Tribulations and to overpower the forces of evil and lay down His millennial kingdom on Earth. Moreover, before the rapture takes place, the book of Revelations in the bible reveals that there will be persecution of the church; represented by the seven churches of Asia. These churches that were in existence in Asia at the time of revelation have been described that they will be the representatives of the spiritual conditions that would be experienced during the time of the revelation. In addition, the Book of Revelation reveals that there will dominant images and visions (beasts and the harlot) which, during Revelation, will contribute to the persecution of the church. The essay will examine persecution of the church, describe the images and the vision and, attempt to interpret what they meant in relation to the persecution of the church. The paper will also provide some of the policies and procedures that were implemented during the second half of the first century which led to the domination of Christian churches in Rome. Overall, the essay will show that the bible foretells that those who will stand with their faith in God will be persecuted and be killed during the times of revelation.

Persecution of the Church and the Images and Visions during Revelation

The Seven Churches of Revelation were also referred to The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse Jesus instructed his servants (Patmos and John) to write down what they saw and deliver the messages to them.[1] The seven churches were not merely the buildings where the Christians went for worship, but congregations of worshipers who were in every city in Asia. Jesus warned the churches through his servants that there would be seven warning signs for those who would abandon the “Bridal Love” by refusing to repent; during the time of revelation. Jesus explained that the seven churches would represent seven characters for those churches that will walk away from the pure, fervent and self-sacrificing love for Jesus Christ. In Revelation, Jesus describes that Ephesus will be the church that will forsake His first love. In this church, Christ will not be the main focus of their lives.[2] The second church of Smyrna has been described by Jesus that it will be the church that will suffer persecution.[3] On the book of Acts, God predicted persecution would come through the Holy Spirit whereby He testified that in every city, affections and bonds awaited Him.[4] In Acts He described that the church would undergo through lots of suffering for believing in Him. He used to the example of Paul whereby people were searching for him so that they could kill him. Nevertheless, in the Book of New Testaments, there are many insights that have been used to project the persecution of the church during revelation. For example, God has acted the church to stand in His name despite the sufferings that they will undergo during revelation.[5] Nevertheless, God revealed to the church of Smyrna that for those who will rejoice in the suffering of Jesus during revelation, will love the love the Lord before the prosecutors.[6]

Nevertheless, in the history of Christianity, Christian denominations can be traced to the Roman Catholic Church. During the second half of the 1st century, many churches had spread in major cities of Roman Empire. As a result of destruction of the “mother church” at Jerusalem, the eminence of the Church of Rome influenced Constantine to implement policies that gave Christians legal status. After publishing of Edict of Milan in 313 by Constantine, the churches were given great authority over being persecuted or being ignored by the imperial power. These new policies led to the church persecuting enemies in an effort to enhance themselves.[7]

In the Book of Revelation, there are several images and visions that have been identified and described which will be unleashed on Earth during the days of revelation. The bible describes the first beast that will come from the sea, and will be given the dragon’s throne and power. The beast had eyes of an animal with seven heads and ten horns. The beast was also described that it had an appearance of a leopard, though it had mouth a mouth of a lion and feet of a bear. The description is similar to Daniel in which the dragon is described to give its great power and authority.[8] Scholar interpret that Satan gives his power from the sea, to the Roman Empire.[9] Furthermore, one of the heads appeared to be wounded; however, the mortal wound was healed. The beast has been interpreted that it possibly represents the dead emperor of Nero, which it has been believed that it will return from the dead at the time of revelation.[10]

The second beast that emerged from earth compels mankind to worship the first beast. The beast is believed to be the high priest of Emperor-worship, with two horns like a lamb representing the anti-Christ.[11] The beast (antichrist) forces man to worship to the beast from the sea by performing miracles such as making fire to fall down from heaven. It tells people to make a statue and worship it in the name of the beast from the sea and gives life to the statue so that it could speak. The beast from the Earth represents priestly mechanisms and trickery that will condemn to death those who will decline to worship the statue.[12] The bible mentions a woman (the false church) who is sitting upon the scarlet of the beast, having the seven horns.[13] Harlot represents the unfaithful church that forms illicit relationships with the earthly kings. The bible describes her as being drunk with the blood of the saints. As a result, she is believed that she will persecute the dissenters.[14] The prostitute of Revelation is known that he will indict God’s unfaithful partner with sexual immorality, oppression and even killing her own children.[15]


From the studies, there is a significant difference between God’s judgment and His treatment of Humans. The church believes that God will deliver them from the Great Tribulation. However, the bible prophesies that many will be persecuted and killed because of their faith.


Daniel, John. The Seven Churches of Revelation. Longview: Tim Baker, 2008

Chompff, Alfred J. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Volume 2. Bloomington: WestBow Press,


International Version. NIV Bible. United Bible Society: Hodder & Stoughton. 2011

[1] International Version. NIV Bible. (United Bible Society: Hodder & Stoughton. 2011), p. (Rev. 1:11)

[2] Ibid, Rev. 2:4

[3] Ibid, Rev. 2:10

[4] Ibid, Acts 20:23-24

[5] Ibid, Colossians 4:2-4

[6] Ibid, Philippians 1:28

[7] Daniel, John. The Seven Churches of Revelation. (Longview: Tim Baker, 2008), p. 28).


[8] Ibid, Daniel 7:1-7

[9] Chompff, Alfred J. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Volume 2. (Bloomington: WestBow Press, 2013), p. 202)

[10] Ibid, p. 202

[11] Ibid, Rev 13:11-12

[12] Ibid, p. 203

[13] Ibid, Rev 17:1

[14] Ibid, p. 204

[15] Ibid p. 204

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