October 21, 2020
The Marketing, Pricing and Distribution strategy
October 21, 2020


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurs when the blood vessels outside the heart undergo atherosclerosis. Most of the affected blood vessels in this disease are those that supply the lower limbs. In these vessels, plaque made of fats and cholesterol builds up on the inner walls. That results in narrowing or blockage of the Lumens. With that in place, blood flow to the limbs, especially the legs become unachievable. Once there is a compromise of blood follow to the legs, tissue ischemia (tissue death) occurs, something that can lead to amputation of the affected part of the limb.

Risk Factors for PAD

Lifestyle. Poor and unhealthy habits can predispose someone to the disease. For instance, excessive alcohol intake and smoking are some of the things that make a person more likely to have the disease. More so, eating foods that are rich in things like fats and cholesterol can contribute to the exacerbation of the process of atherosclerosis, hence PAD. More so, leading a sedentary lifestyle without doing regular physical exercises can equally be dangerous in regard to PAD.

  1. This disease is not only a risk factor for PAD but also for diabetes and almost all the circulatory system diseases.
  2. An individual is likely to get the disease if there is a family history due to genetic links. That is because most of the cardiovascular diseases flows from one generation to the other following the genetic link.
  3. Diabetes is a risk factor for PAD, alongside other diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. Obesity also predisposes a person to PAD and hypertension.

Signs and Symptoms of PAD

and low hair and nail growth are also common.

Treatment of PAD

PAD treatment aims at the use of medications, lifestyle moderation, and surgery. Doctors can prescribe medications that can improve the disease symptoms like Cilostazol. Also, drugs that promote the circulation of blood to the affected limbs can be of great importance. A good example is pentoxifylline. Combating the risk, and causative factors of the disease reduce the disease progression. Individuals with diabetes and hypertension should have the diseases treated and controlled. On the other hand, lifestyle modification is essential as far as cardiovascular disease treatment is concerned. Eating a healthy diet without cholesterol and salt, and fat restrictions are the mainstay of the treatment of the disease. More so, exercises, avoidance of alcohol and smoking have proven to be effective. Lastly, in severe cases of the disease, surgery can be an option. Some of the surgical procedures are angioplasty and bypass surgery.