Performance Of The Wal Mart Company Commerce

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Performance Of The Wal Mart Company Commerce

Performance Of The Wal Mart Company Commerce

Wal-mart is the largest business in the world market they have more than 8000 stores within 53 different banners in 15 different countries throughout the world.

Wall-mart was the biggest merchandise retailer it have around 4,400 stores around the world they have different types of stores like ware house stores grocery stores and they sell product throw online.

Sam Walton was the founder of the WAL-MART he opened first store in 1945 a franchised Ben Franklin variety store after 15 years Sam and his brother developed stores in rural Arkansas, in his stores he provide brand range products like apparel appliances toiletries household goods and groceries

When Second World War developed their business mainly they concentrated on customer point that’s way they sell discount products Walton trust on customer love discount product throughout the world with the discount price products attract the customer’s wide area. Walton opened fist wal-mart store in 1962 after 8 years they opened more 30 discount stores in small towns in Arkansas Oklahoma and Missouri the company officially named as Wal-Mart stores Inc October 31 in 1969

In this Wal-Mart stores had the problem of distribution in 1970 they built first distribution centre and in this year they have good growth.

They opened home office in Bentonville.ark in that time they have 1,500 employees they worked in 38 stores their annual income $44.2 million then extend their stores around US states.

After that in 1975 they recruited their employees more than 7,500 because in that time they have 125 stores in this year they opened new stores in Texas Wal-Mart happy with their employees that’s why with the help of good employees they increased their stores around the world they opened shoe company and pharmacy auto service centre jewellery divisions. With this growth their income reached $1billion in 1979 after one year they entered into Georgia Florida Nebraska in 1982 they sold their stack 100% market price in 1983 company become no.1 in retail marketing number of magazines given the rank for the wal-mart In this they introduced 1 hour photo lab and they opened new stores in Indiana, Lowa, New Mexico, North Carolina appointed good staff.

Recruitment strategies in 1985 they recruited more people in that time their staff 104000 stores 882 this organisation joined in Wisconsin Colorado and shoes when 25th anniversary of Wal-Mart they have 1198 stores they entered In private satellite network with two way voice from head office and data video communication as well as Like this they increased their business around the world their main aim is customer satisfaction that’s way mainly they focused on discount products now they have 2.1 million employees and it have more than 4,300 Wal-Mart stores in US In this Wal-Mart have a friendly culture they have open door policy with this they share the ideas and suggestions when they are solving any problem in organisation they will get the solution in easy way in this organisation every one treat equal manner every one like this culture in this organisation when they working they feel happy with their work.

Wall-mart managers treat all the employees same they think everyone come and share their discussions every one work and feel responsible every employee feel like a family this culture crate good friendly atmosphere in this they have servant leadership Sam Walton think good staff makes success they have good team work in their organisation what makes ordinary people do extraordinary things Sam Walton feel like this they think with the team work they can solve the problems their business increase with team work this one is most important in any organisation they give good customer service in this organisation managers and tem leaders share ideas and they work together help each other with this they provide good service in this everyone have individual values everyone have respect with this everyone get same option to share their new ideas managers give target every one as well as expect Sam effort from them in this open door policy they take the feedback from the employees with this they correct their mistakes every time they take opinion from every team specially they concentrate their groups Inside the organisation

Wall mart organisation have good vision every one work for that with sharing ideas this one is their first positive point they work together and reach their goals, their culture is depends on trusting each other and beliefs’ in this organisation employees are give more effort for their goals why because everyone have individual value inside the organisation employees are different but they work for targets

Mainly this organisation treat customer very well because they think customer is the business is the customer that’s why they provide less price goods with the good customer this organisation become one of the biggest merchandise organisation

They want to give best service to the customers to reach their expectations all the time.

Recruitment Strategies

Wall-mart wants to use innovative ideas and planning to recruit people, every time company needs to recruit thousands of new talent people for new positions every year. In this organisation human resource managers recruit people when applicants forward the resumes via mail or fax and through website when they apply for the jobs they enter into home office data base this organisation need different group of new talented people.

Wall-mart stores giving number of opportunities for the new MBA students to reach their goals with this jobs they can develop their leadership qualities with this organisation they can learn various knowledge like buying aviation real estate global procurement supply chain management information systems international finance logistics product development etc..All these knowledge help them to reach their success.

When recruiting the people they give the specific eligibilities for the candidate

Good communication skills

Educational back ground

Work experience

Mingle with group of people

Accept the team leaders saying

Should Enjoy the Work

When wal-mart recruiting new people they Look into talent and with good communication skills, Communication skills is very important in any organisation why because mainly they concentrated on customers everyone should have a good relationship inside the organisation and with customer also why because customer is the source for the company And they need good educational background with this they think new ideas

In this wal-mart organisation recruitment is very special they recruit new talent people

They provide different types of jobs in wal-mart stores Sam’s clubs and distribution centres as well as pharmacist optometrist corporate truck driving like this they provide many jobs recruitment process takes in hands of seniors leaders they recruit the employee depends on their talent now way days organisations facing challenge when they are recruiting the new talented people hr managers

First they attract the new talented people they are spending lot of many recruiting for new talent within the organisation they need very talented and best people recruitment process built relationship and future talent

First they attract job seekers through advertising

Advertising plays key role in the recruitment process in any organisation in this organisation recruiting talent people is main thing why because with the good talented employees only wall mart become no 1 in the retail merchandisers without recruiting new talented people they can’t reach their targets that’s way advertising is the key part in any organisation

Mainly now a day’s every one advertise their job vacancies throw web site and Television and news papers and inside the organisation

Internal advertising

This one is first advertising process inside the organisation its depends on notice boards recommending a person for a job like this just like is there any job vacancies in their stores if anyone know about that if he wants recommend any one for the suitable role he can give the recommendation the person can be called for the further process with giving reference also any one get the job this one is the rare condition after that

External advertising

External means using new technology like web sites news papers and recruitment agencies now way days many organisations using websites when their recruiting process this one is the main thing in any organisation wal-mart also recruiting the new people throw online in wal-mart they provide many jobs throw online when a person going to apply for a job first he have to see the job vacancy in website the website give the all the information about the job as well as advertising throw news papers now way days every one watching news papers when wal-mart give one advertisement for the jobs in that time anyone see the paper and they can apply for the jobs when the people apply for the jobs hr recruit leaders select suitable persons for suitable jobs first they see the eligibility after that they conduct the next test when he select the person they give proper training for the new people

The online recruitment process use many people with this they save their time and money wal-mart every day they are getting number of thousands of applications around the world with the online process they take thousands of new people.

In the selection process when the persons select for the next rounds throw online after this they conduct psychometric test this one is very different after this personal interview with hr managers who will ask the quotations about yourself and they see the communication skills and confidence of the persons in this process they select best talented people

Job description

When they recruit new people they give the information about his job. They will give the job description what is the job and when he have to come and when he have go if we take one example customer assistant in wal-mart his work is dayshift.

Job role

The job he applied for the role of customer assistance he have to work for dayshift they will the timings for candidate with shift hours if he applied for 24 per week part-time job they will give the schedule for the candidate they give timings like example 9 am to 3 pm for 4 days per week in Monday to Thursday


As a customer assistant have to assist the customers he have to communicate the people with friendly and helpful manner his main role in the organisation is give the good service to the customers with his work and he have to give the reports to the manager he should have specific qualities organisation wants from him like good communication skills because he have to deal the customer and give the answers what they ask as well as he need good interpersonal skills and he should maintain good relation with the customers

Second one is he should maintain punctual and show the more effort when he doing the work he should able to in any conditions and pressures and he should be self motivated

Induction training

After the interview the selected persons called for the induction the induction process is the main aspects about the organisation briefly where organisation started their journey still now from beginning they explain in induction and they tell about the contract how much period he have to work in this organisation incuse they want to extent their contract that depends on their performance induction related to the customer relationship how he have to deal the customer induction also called training period in this they will give the proper training for the suitable job they give the pay for this induction period also in this organisation they take care about the training why because they want to give good service for the customers when any new person coming in to organisation every one welcome him in friendly manner and asked him if you need any help with this they feel like family orientation also part of training it means all employees are part of family new people learn about what customer wants from their organisation with that they try to reach their goals after that next they learn about wal-mart history in the l market and culture and working environment and targets in this training they give audio exercise it was voice of customers with this they learn about the what customer exactly wants they give proper training and help with tools and sources recruitment process also part in this organisation

Training and development is two different paths development is recruitment this one is the major part in any organisation after recruiting training will comes

Signing the contract

When the induction starts that time only candidates sign for the contract in this how long period they selected for the job they give the roles and regulations and timings of the job as well as sick leaves and benefits salary this one is the corporate culture every organisation do like this.

Retention strategies in wal-mart

Employee retention in this organisation is employees are encouraged by the team leaders and group of people every time it is give the benefits to the organisation and also employee when giving good support and encouragement they feel happy to work inside the organisation they share the new ideas it helps for organisation growth

They implemented retention point basis for the employees

In this pay and perks also includes

Pay is how much they are working and how much they are getting like if we take any employee in organisation he will get the monthly wages per hour if they work for night shifts they give the premium and they can take the holiday pay in a year when they work period they will get the discount on their products they can register in employee legislations and trade unions


In this organisation If they take the appraisals of every employee inside the organisation and give the rewards according to their performance this one also includes in staff development process their giving rewards also systematic paying according to the experience like who work for this organisation more 20 years they will get the more extra weeks pay also and also they provide cash awards with their performance and they provide health policies and also wal-mart give the bonus to their employees where they getting the profits full time employees get the health care eligibility when they worked 6 months for the organisation and part time employees eligible for that after 2years and also employees get the premiums depends on their family members.


Finally I want to conclude that wal-mart has considered all of the above strategies and based on my research what I observed is they have been successful in the market with No 1 leading. They have been successful in maximising the skills and contributions of people, as we have come across in the research about their challenges like the necessity for alignment between an organisation’s corporate strategy and objective. Wall-mart also into health insurance they insure more than 1 million associates and family members. They also improve the quality of life in communities, majority of wal- mart associates work full time and as they are diverse employer with Afro Americans, Asian and many. As we have seen how they have innovatively used their recruitment strategies like they internal advertising, external advertising, and they have very well organised their retention strategies, training learning and development, performance and reward management strategies, potential associates know that wal-mart provide potential jobs with competitive pay and benefits, they infact offer the opportunity to build the career.

Article name: Performance Of The Wal Mart Company Commerce essay, research paper, dissertation

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