Peer review of why students drop out

Employee Relations
May 13, 2020
System Evaluation and Recommendations
May 13, 2020

Peer review of why students drop out

Paper instructions:
The purpose of the peer review is for the reviewer to edit and review how well a text achieves its stated goals and the goals of the assignment. Each student will

be assigned a partner and responsible for reading that student’s Solution Paper First Draft. Each student will write a peer review of the draft that will be worth 90

points, should be 3-5 pages in length.

For the following three sections, write HOW and HOW WELL the draft covered the issue:

1. What is the problem? Why is it a problem?
2. What has been said or done about this problem?
– Did the author provide a review of relevant literature and integrate available first-person interviews?
3. What is the proposed solution? Why might it work (or not)?

You will write your partner a review but NOT GRADE THEM. I will grade your peer review according to the criteria below.

A (81-90 points): Answers all three sections of the assignment with clear, detailed, and accurate language. Meets all assignment formatting and length

B (72-80 points): Attempts to answer all three sections but with minor problems with detail, writing style, and clarity.
C (63-71 points): Missing an answer to one or two sections and with minor problems with writing style, clarity, and detail.
D (54-62 points): Missing an answer to one or two sections and major problems with writing style, clarity, and detail. Does not meet assignment requirements for

page length and formatting.
F (0-53 points): Only partially covers the required three sections and with major problems with writing style, clarity, and detail. Does not meet assignment

requirements for page length and formatting.