September 29, 2020
minimum wage Request Order
September 29, 2020

PBL written assignments

Topic: PBL written assignments

Order Description

Aligned to Course Learning Outcomes:
The PBL assessments relate to the following course learning outcomes:
2. Critically evaluate various HRM theories and frameworks to assess their fundamental assumptions, intellectual rigour, and practical value;
3. Develop skills in framing, researching and presenting solutions to workplace problems;
4. Communicate how and why HRM policy and practice differs according to context;
5. Consider the range of competencies and roles required of HRM practitioners and other managers of people within various organisational settings;
6. Develop an appreciation of the ethical challenges inherent in managing people in an equitable way.

Purpose and Description:
PBL2 reinforces the PBL learning method and deepens the students’ understanding of the complex and contested elements of the HRM function in organisations. Students engage in critical thinking and analytical problem solving to analyse the issues in the PBL cases. They display professional proficiency in information and technology to identify relevant literature. Students use effective written communication skills to make and justify persuasive recommendations.

Word Length:
2,500 words maximum (excluding references and any Appendices)

Assessment Criteria:
A. Scoping of the issues (20% of the total mark)
• Clear description of the issue and its boundaries
• Successful communication of a thesis informing the paper
• Demonstrated understanding of the practical implications of the issue

B. Substantive content (40% of the total mark)
• Research skills as demonstrated by the range and relevance of references
• Accurate reporting and demonstrated understanding of information/data
• Awareness of strengths and weaknesses of different reference material (eg. company information, academic literature, personal experience) as a

base for argument
• Proper use/referencing of the material

C. Response to the issue (40% of the total mark)
• Critical analysis of competing approaches/solutions to the issue
• Development of a logical and well-structured response to the issue
• Use of substantive detail to support the recommended response to the issue

Additional essential requirements, and associated penalties applied
after initial marking is complete:
• In each PBL Exercise, a minimum of three articles from quality academic journals must be used to support your argument. NB. A ‘quality academic journal’ is defined as one listed in READING GUIDE of this course outline under “Excellent academic journals in the area of HRM” and “Excellent international journals which cover HRM and ER topics”. If the required number of articles are not properly used and cited, a maximum penalty of the loss of 10% of total marks will be applied.
• There must be proper citation of sources according to academic conventions (APA 6 style). If this is not done, a maximum penalty of the loss of 10% of total marks will be applied.

Referencing Style:
Papers should be referenced using APA 6 style. The “Gold Guide” is designed to assist you to understand and meeting academic requirements, by summarising important points and providing website links. It gives you essential information on the basics of academic writing and critical thinking, essay writing, referencing, business reports, presentations and teamwork. The referencing style in the “Gold Guide” is APA style which is the Faculty standard for Business courses. An electronic copy of the Gold Guide is available.