Social Action Plan Assignment Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Income Statements Academic Essay
August 15, 2020


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Spelling, grammar capitalization, wrong word, syntax will factor into the final grade for each discussion answer. Substantive content. Reference: Only one reference: Miller, R. L. (2014). Business Law Today. Texas: South Western Cengage Learning. Answer 4 Questions.
1) Should all elections in the United States, including political contests, use cumulative voting to decide a winner? Why or why not?

2) Should there be mandated standards as to when a dividend must be declared by a publicly-held corporation? What would those standards be? Would such standards adequately protect the interests of minority shareholders?

3) Could laws pertaining to insider trading and the general protection of investors be simplified? If so, how? Would such simplification likely result in more successful prosecutions and civil actions?
4) Discuss something from the Silver Nugget