CTEC5721/ 2 Software Evolution
Coursework Resit 3
There are three parts. Please complete all three parts. Every student needs to undertake these parts individually.
Part A: 20 Marks (Due date: 5:00pm Friday 2nd September 2016)
Program P1 is:
do if n 0 then exit fi;
if even (n) then n := n – 2 else n := n + 1 fi od
Program P2 is:
do if n 0 then exit fi;
n := n – 1od
Let n0 be the initial value of n. Prove, by induction on n0 that the two programs are equivalent for all non-negative integer values of no. (5 marks).
The bodies of these two loops are combined to form program P3 which is: do if n 0 then exit fi;
if even (n) then n := n – 2 else n := n + 1 fi;
if n 0 then exit fi;
n := n – 1 od
Is P3 equivalent to P1 and P2? Either prove that they are equivalent, or find an initial state for which P3 gives a different result to P1. (5 marks).
Program P4 is:
do if ,B then exit(l) fi;
do if B I B1 then S1 else exit(l) fi od;
do if B I B1 then S2 else exit(l) fi od od
Program P5 is:
do if ,B then exit(l) fi;
if B1 then S1 else S2 fi od
where statements S1 and S2 are proper sequences: i.e. they do not contain any exits which could terminate any enclosing loops.
Convert P4 and P5 to regular action systems, removing the loops and taking all code out of the bodies of if statements, so that the body of each if statement contains only action calls. Transform the action systems to prove that the two programs are equivalent. (10 marks).
This part of the coursework is to ask you to experiment with program trans formation techniques on the FermaT tool. The aim is to restructure a program and improve the quality of the program by applying transformations.
The program you will be working on is f mt008a .wsl which is on the Blackboard system:
var (Flagl := 0, Flag2 := 0, last := “”, record := “”, cha nged := 0) : last := na me[i];
i := (i + 1);
while na me[i] i- “” do
if Flag2 = 0 V last i- na me[i]
then if Flagl = 1
then if tota I i- 0
then !P write(last, tota l var sys);
cha nged := (cha nged + 1) fi fi;
Flagl := 1; tota l := O;
tota l := (tota l + n u m ber[i]);
Flag2 := 1
else tota l := (tota l + n u m ber[i]); Flag2 := 1 fi;
last := na me[i]; i := (i + 1) od;
if Flag2 = 1
then if tota I i- 0
then !P write(last, tota l var sys); cha nged := (cha nged + 1) fi fi;
!P write( “Changed :”, cha nged var sys)
Try to aim for a result that looks like f mt008b .wsl (which is also on the Black board system):
var (cha nged := 0) : i := (i + 1);
while na me[i] i- “” do
tota l := n u m ber[i]; i := (i + l);
while na me[(i – 1)] = na me[i] I na me[i] i- “” do
tota l := ( n u m ber[i] + tota l ); i := (i + 1) od;
if tota l i- 0
then !P write( na me[(i – 1)], tota l var sys); cha nged := (cha nged + 1) fi od;
!P write( “Changed :”, cha nged var sys)
Your report on the transformation process should list all the steps taken and
briefly justify each step. You are expected to know why a particular transfor mation improves or simplifies the program. You may include a few intermediate versions of the program for illustration: it is not necessary to include a copy of the program after every transformation, you need to decide which intermediate versions illustrate the most important steps in the process.
Note: You must not use the Flag_Remova l transformation. Flags can be removed manually using other transformations.
You should discuss a number of different formal methods, comparing and contrasting them with special reference to their application to software evolution. In particular, for each of the methods you describe, you should discuss: ( 1) Can programs developed using this formal method also be re-engineered using this method? and (2) Can existing programs, which were not developed using any particular formal method, be re-engineered using this method?
References must be properly supplied.