Paper week 3
Using the steps outlined in the decision-making models in your readings, select one ethical decision-making model and use the model to write your paper. (see selected decision making model at the bottom)
In a formal, written paper of 825 words, answer the following questions:
1. What is ethical dilemma?
2. Describe the decision-making model you selected from your readings.
3. How would you resolve a dilemma using the model?
A minimum of three references must be used.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required.
To obtain 100% please follow each of the following points
Identifies Decision-Making Model and Resolution: Integrates decision-making model in a complex process of judgment and justification with comprehensive discussion of implications for a identified resolution. Clearly articulates significance of model to a resolution with a thorough discussion of strengths and limitations.
Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Paragraph Development and Transitions: There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
All format elements are correct.
In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error
Ethical Decision Making
Decision-making model selected (Uustal (1993))
It is helpful to use a decision-making model for ethical dilemmas in order to guide one’s decision making from an objective, cognitive perspective, rather than a purely affective or emotional perspective. Uustal (1993) proposed the following steps to guide one’s ethical decision making. Uustal’s model not only follows the nursing process, but also includes values clarification when applying an ethical decision-making model.
Step 1: Identify the problem. Ask:
• Who are people involved in the dilemma?
• How are they related or interrelated?
• What is involved in the situation?
After answering the above questions, identify the ethical dilemma and make a concise statement of the problem. Then, state the conflict in values.
Step 2: State your values and ethical position related to the problem.
• How does the issue fit with your personal values?
• Are they congruent or incongruent?
Step 3: Take into consideration factors that relate to the situation and generate alternatives for resolving the dilemma.
Step 4: Examine and categorize the alternatives. Identify those that are consistent and inconsistent with your personal values.
If the most appropriate alternative is inconsistent with your personal values, another provider may be needed to facilitate resolution. This eliminates bias and preserves your own ethical integrity.
Step 5: Predict all possible outcomes for those acceptable alternatives.
Consider physical, psychological, social, and spiritual consequences, both short-term and long-term.
• What might happen if you follow Alternative A?
• What might happen if you follow Alternative B?
Step 6: Prioritize acceptable alternatives. List them in order from the most acceptable to the least acceptable.
Step 7: Develop a plan of action utilizing the list of acceptable alternatives. Determine what you are going to do about this dilemma.
Step 8: Implement the plan.
Step 9: Evaluate the action taken. Ask yourself the following questions:
• Did I do the right thing?
• Were my actions ethical?