Paintings created by Georges Seurat Academic Essay

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Paintings created by Georges Seurat Academic Essay



Explore paintings created by Georges Seurat and those who have been influenced by him (see weblinks below).
Experiment with the manipulation of dots… Divide an A3 piece of paper into 6 and experiment with different colour combinations, shapes made from dots etc. (photograph and include in your portfolio) You may choose to draw your dots, use stickers, paint, plasticine.
Create a culminating image as the result of your experimentation. (photograph and include in your portfolio)
Reflective questions – did you get lost in your creativity? How do you think the elements of art were used? What was your experience of the activity?
How could you use this activity with 0-1, 1-2, 3-5?
How could you use this style of painting to encourage cultural exploration?
How would you document learning?

Pointillism or Seurat Painting

The idea of pointillism is to create a solid space of colour by using dots of two or more colours. French artist made this technique famous. His painting, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1884-1888) is one of the most famous paintings in the world.

Here are some weblinks to pointillism examples and instructional material.


Re-imagining texts is something that you may have had experience with. Now that you have more of an informed understanding of dramatic elements and the educator’s role in the dramatic experience I would like you to work through the steps of re-imagining a text. In this instance you may choose to create a hypothetical scenario or to actually work through the steps with the children that you work with. In either case please include visuals to support your explanation of each step of the process.

You can use your textbook as a guide. Re-imaging Texts pp. 127-131

Selecting materials7
Re-imagining the narrative
Introducing the re-imagined ideas to the group.


Develop a dance/movement experience.

Identify an age group.
Choose a stimulus – this may be a prop or props, a piece of music, an instrument, an image, a story…
Identify appropriate back ground music.
Explain how your session fits into the areas of Creating, Performing and Appreciating.

Reflect on:

The pedagogy that was used.
How you as the educator felt in creating and supporting the experience as a co-learner.
What were the elements of dance that were incorporated?

What aspect of Belonging, Being and Becoming did you support?


Detail a resource that you have used or would like to use within an Arts Program. Explain the connection between the strand/s of the Arts, EYLF and why it works or would work well in your early learning context.


Media Project

Describe a media project relevant for young children.

In doing this you may choose to describe something that you have observed or been part of in an early learning setting OR a media project that you are inspired to do with young children. Provide a description of the project, images where possible and elaborate with links to how the media project supports other learning areas.


Identify with a program, festival, exhibition, community or artist group in your local area. If you are not aware of one, then look for relevant online information to support your discovery.

Identify – Describe why you would like to develop links with this particular project, group etc.
Set a Goal: For example, To make connections with the local Chinese Museum in order to immerse children in the local history and significance of the Chinese New Year.
Developing networks: Describe what you would do to develop the links.
How would you celebrate and share this artistic experience?
What are the difficulties that you foresee?

Was applying for a grant something that you would have thought of in the past?


Do you consider the Arts a perfect tool for learning?
How do the Arts lead you to develop greater understandings of the children and people that you work with?
What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to creating an integrative Arts program?
How would you like to see the Arts used within your early learning environment?
How do children react when you provide them with the opportunity to explore through the Arts?
What have you seen along the way that has really inspired you?
How have you made connections with family and the community?
What is one thing that has really resonated with you throughout your learning journey?

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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions