Research Analysis Paper: Disasters caused by earthquakes and volcanoes in Indonesia
June 23, 2020
An analysis of the crime trends in (insert country or city)
June 23, 2020

PA Report

PA Report

Project description
Step1: There are five transcripts and you to have Select any four

Step 2: Do coding and themes . It is already attached Example Practical handout file , so u can get idea for how to do coding and themes.

Step 3: one transcript has five themes and code and you to have to create such four .
which has to be written in Creating tables file and fill up the details as per you

Step 4: Theres a detailed description in shipra IPA file.
That helps you for how to write IPA report and what I need in report

Step 5: the example for the same is in IPAmentalhealth file so u can get idea.

Added on 27.06.2015 13:06
Step1: There are five transcripts and you to have Select any four

Step 2: Do coding and themes . It is already attached Example Practical handout file , so u can get idea for how to do coding and themes.

Step 3: one transcript has five themes and code and you to have to create such four .
which has to be written in Creating tables file and fill up the details as per you

Step 4: Theres a detailed description in shipra IPA file.
That helps you for how to write IPA report and what I need in report

Step 5: the example for the same is in IPAmentalhealth file so u can get idea.

Video 1: Betty(please note video file is currently unavailable)