Overview of Kenya political history

Corporate Social Response
September 14, 2020
Ethical issues Academic Essay
September 14, 2020

Overview of Kenya political history

(KENYA: Revenge Attacks on Mungiki Sect2009)Between 1970 and 2012, about 250 terrorist attacks occurred in Kenya, in which more than 1000 people died, and more than 5000 people injured according to Aganda and Mogire (2011). Many of the attacks were in the major cities, such as Nairobi with 61 attacks

In 1992, about 30 attacks killed about 150 people and injured many at the time of the multiparty elections (Mbiyu 2014) while the other violence attacks happened in 1997 and 2007 before the national elections. The other cities were Garissa with 19 attacks, Mombasa with 12 attacks and Wajir with 12. Other towns were Madera with 19 attacks and Dadaab with 11 attacks (Mohochi n.d). (Mbiyu 2014).

The latest terror group is the Mombasa Republican Council MRC, an outlawed sect that engages in terrorist activities along the Kenyan coast Whitaker (2008) observes that the terrorists also tried to attack an Israel airliner using a Rocket, although the attack failed. The al-Qaida group claimed responsibility of the attack. Another attack by terrorists was on a Kenya-Kampala bound bus where the terrorists killed ten people in a grenade attack as noted by (Whitaker 2008). The group was notorious for various kidnappings in the country. The country faced several retaliatory attacks such as the Nairobi shopping mall attack on 21 September 2013, where 67 people died and many suffered injuries (KENYA: Nairobi Shopping Mall Massacre 2013). The other retaliatory attack was on 2012 July in two churches in Garissa town, where 15 people died (Whitaker 2008) according to KENYA: Deadly Attacks (2014). According to KENYA: Deadly Attacks (2014) journal, (KENYA: Deadly Attacks 2014). The government blamed the opposition for fueling the attacks and funding the group’s activities. However, the evidence for the accusations had no basis as no one could prove that the opposition party members had a hand in the attacks.

The other terrible attacks happened on November and December 2014 in the North Eastern parts of Kenya.The attackers killed 28 people in a bus and more than 30 people in a quarry (KENYA: Deadly Attacks 2014)To this day, there are countries and institutions abroad that seek to advance their economic and geopolitical goals to our disadvantage” (Leftie 2014). He spoke in the wake of reports that military had gunned down five terror suspects with 100kg explosives trying to cross the Kenyan border. Moreover, the president did not elaborate his sentiments although he warned that the government would not succumb to threats of terrorism (Leftie 2014). In other words, Kenya is one of the African countries used for an operation directly targeting the foreign governments. In addition, Islamic extremist continue to present clear threat to national, regional, and international stability. An attempt to weaken or destabilize traditional orthodox institutions on all level seems to be political. The manipulation of racial and demand for equality in representation is the government’s concern. In addition, if the authority turns down the demand, the next step is mobilization and recruitment of Muslim youth in jihad Sloan 2007).