Write an abstract in a full page (280 300 words) about these 7 resources with respect to the topic Physical Activity at work/study
October 18, 2020
Information on NJ Tree Services
October 18, 2020

Overdependence on Computers

Computers are convenient devices that have become equipment fro daily use. They have become an integral part of our lives allowing us to work faster from different locations, keep in contact with friends and family, follow business investments and also for entertainment purposes. People can now find any information they need from the internet using computers making it easier to learn what’s happening in the world beyond.

However, due to their convenience and easy accessibility, people have ended up becoming too reliant on them. We have become too dependent on computers for answers and social interactions, thus spending much time on them. They create a distraction that makes us addicted to them and we are unable to stay away from them now that they exist conveniently in our everyday activities.

Children have not been left behind; they have also been overtaken by computer games and also online research for assignments. This on its part, is becoming worrying because it means the kids have to do less or little paperwork both at school and at home, this might work against them in case they need in the future to do loads of paperwork where it is inevitable, like for instance in an organization where hard copies of the work are needed.

Everyday basic skills that everyone needs are lost by over reliance on computers. This leads to loss of good habits such as basic calculations and commonsense, this is evident from the tension that come up whenever the computer breaks down and people get stranded on small issues with failure to do simple tasks.

People have become less creative, since the computers are designed to create. Creativity and construction have drastically reduced both to the children and the adults constantly using computers. This has come about since computers give no chance of personal creativity due to many ready-made applications that are available both online and offline.

Computers have become tools that must be there on our lives. The first the computers were only used for basic functions, but with integration of internet and very basic applications, they became an integral part of our life. This has a result led to laziness and addiction, especially to social media; they are also fast and easy way for research. This has led to a disregard of hard copy materials, making books become less important. Although they are faster and more effective, they make research weak as the researchers only focus on a specific subject or topic they are interested in instead of covering the whole part of it.

Over dependence on computers can also be noted in loss of spelling skills. This has affected a good number of both children and adults who mostly use social media. This is because the language mostly used here is informal and hence they get used to misspell words which they eventually translate into written work.

There have been extreme cases of obsession with computers. Some people have been charged with neglecting of duties due to addiction to their computers. This has led to many dangers, including loss of lives, especially of children after abandonment by their parents for hours who were busy with internet or computer.

The reduced worry about safety issues is also one of the most worrying issues. Many people share their personal details online which is open both to friends and strangers. This leaves them vulnerable to cyber stalking and real life issues. Cyber-attacks are common where people lose both their property and also sustains losses are common to those people who are fond of sharing too much of their information.

If the computer is unavailable or internet is down, there is minimal or no work for that day. Many jobs are automated from distribution of goods to recording them and hence if the system happens to fail or internet tends to be slow, it translates to little or no job for that day. This is disgusting because it means people are too dependent on the computers of which, if they were not, they would have devised a backup plan on how to do the job manually in case of those events happening.

People are becoming too much involved in doing online shopping. People nowadays rarely go out shopping for anything outdoors; this is because of online market that is available. This makes people lose the grip on new things that might be introduced in the market recently and have not yet been listed on the online markets.

Why it is necessary to use computers today

Because almost everything in the world today is automated- Most things in the world today, including interactions with our friends and family is mostly done through computers. The computers are also programmed in the workplace to perform work that could otherwise be carried out but much more manpower.

It’s not about the gadgets rather it’s about the services they offer. Computers are not addictive for what they are but for the services they offer, they are useful for their speed and accuracy in their calculation. Also, they are used to access the internet and other daily useful applications to make life less complicated.

Fast and comfortable- computers give solutions at an amazing fast speed which is accurate and above all at a comfort of one’s room or office. This makes it unrealistic to opt for any other method, especially manual way of doing calculations which are more tiresome and inaccurate.

They make people organize their work easily- with less or no paperwork at all; computers have helped keep both workplaces and homes neat and easy to organize. In many business organizations’, there would be need to keep a lot of files and documents which could make the respective places look untidy and hence a computer helps organize the work occupying less space.

The Internet provides a platform to do business- the digital era is characterized by online transactions. Everything is sold and as well bought online where the buyers and sellers do not need to interact personally or through brokers. This saves time traveling and also time that could be used to look for the things that one needs.

It is evident from the above that there is no mistaking in saying that the computers have benefited the society in many ways. They have helped to generate a lot of employment while at the same time reduces the manpower required to perform a particular task. Computers are now found in almost all places ranging from shops to hospitals. Almost everything in modern day world depends on a computer in one way or the other.

So, in conclusion: are we too reliant on computers? I would say that the computers are there to enhance our lives and make it better and so we are not over dependent. If one avoids overdependence and know when to make communication in physical manner and also do some paperwork, it would never be a worry about addiction or over dependence.





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