A Policy Recommendation on the Middle East.
October 22, 2020
House Foundation Should be Repaired Right Away.
October 22, 2020

Over the Years.

Over the years, food serving in public schools has been a subject that has attracted congressional debate on its importance citing claims that it is a misuse of public funds, and that it is a key move to reducing obesity and related diseases among school going children. It has been advocated for as a major means to promote healthy eating despite the heavy critics that the program is hardly effective due to the presence of private firms that collude with public school administration to provide junk food to students.

Identify the audience

The target audiences for the article are the lawmakers, teachers and the public. It is imperative that, the data provided on this article is of major interest to the taxpayer and the lawmakers in an effort to make public school food program a success.

Preliminary thesis statement

There is need to make changes to the regulations put in place for the foods served in public schools.


Pollitt, E., Gersovitz, M., & Gargiulo, M. (1978). Educational benefits of the United States school feeding program: a critical review of the literature.American journal of public health, 68(5), 477-481.

Jacoby, H. G. (2002). Is there an intrahousehold ‘flypaper effect’? Evidence from a school feeding programme. The Economic Journal, 112(476), 196-221.

9) Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased to help pay for rising medical costs?

Reason for selecting topic

The fight against drugs has been a major struggle for the government, individuals and various organizations. Despite the progress in publicity, much of the available resources go into treatment of drug-related diseases, thus need to tax the drugs more heavily and therefore the reason to focus on the subject.

Identify the audience

The audience in focus is the government, the lawmakers and the drug users.

Preliminary thesis statement

Alcohol and tobacco should be heavily taxed to cater for the rising expenditures in the medical department.


Grossman, M., Sindelar, J. L., Mullahy, J., & Anderson, R. (1993). Policy watch: alcohol and cigarette taxes. The Journal of Economic Perspectives,7(4), 211-222.

Wagenaar, A. C., Tobler, A. L., & Komro, K. A. (2010). Effects of alcohol tax and price policies on morbidity and mortality: a systematic review. American Journal of Public Health, 100(11), 2270-2278.

13) Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults?

Reason for selecting topic

The topic interests me because it attracts a critical thinking perspective and use of common sense in answering it. Children hardly know the consequences for their actions or at least fail to know their magnitude, thus they do not deserve the same punishment as adults.

Identify the audience

The target audience is the law makers and the judiciary officers as well as the judges.

Preliminary thesis statement

Minors lack detailed knowledge on the consequences of their actions or inactions therefore they do not deserve to be tried as adults.


Kruh, I. P., Frick, P. J., & Clements, C. B. (2005). Historical and personality correlates to the violence patterns of juveniles tried as adults. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 32(1), 69-96.

Torbet, P., Gable, R., Hurst, H., & Montgomery, I. (1996). State responses to serious and violent juvenile crime. DIANE Publishing.